Monday, June 16, 2008

Time Off

Okay, so I had a little break from blogging over the weekend. I read The Host, by Stephenie Meyer, and neglected just about everything. I didn't even so much as turn the computer on once. It was nice (but I feel very out of touch, I need to catch up now). I have lots of fun pictures to post but not today. I'm too tired.

Because of my book reading neglect, the house was in shambles and piles of laundry and dishes were everywhere. So today was dedicated to reclaiming normalcy. I cleaned the kitchen, got the laundry put away, cleaned a bathroom, planted the rest of my garden (thanks Miki for the seeds!!), went to a t-ball game, and finished my book. It was a good full day.

We decided to go out for dinner (seeing as I didn't go grocery shopping and there is NOTHING in the cupboards to eat). Just as we were leaving, Kate crawled into my lap and peed on me. NICE.....thanks for that one deary. Then after stuffing ourselves at dinner (Halle ate a GIANT bowl of chocolate pudding for dessert) we loaded up in the truck and Halle threw up all over the place. (Of course she had to be clear back in the third row seat.) So we rolled the windows down and headed home. And wouldn't you know it, Kate gagged from the smell and threw up too. ***SIGH*** So tonight at 10 pm I vacuumed, shampooed and thoroughly cleaned my vehicle. Just what I wanted to do. But at least it's done.

I had big plans of doing my Try-it-Tuesday post (only I was going to change the name of that; those initials really aren't the best (: ) but I'm too tired. So if you have a recipe you'd like to share post it on your blog or email me. Maybe next week....but I'm not promising anything.


Brenda said...

That is what happens to me when I read a book! I read all day and all night, and let everything go! I am glad I am not the only one! Sorry about the nice dinner out! Usually the best thing about eating out is the lack of messing up the kitchen, but it sounds like you still had plenty of cleaning to do !!!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Oh, man, what a night. I am usually all about ignoring my kids for a good book...but I think I'll have to have a plan first. How was "The Host?" I am in line at the library...and am hoping it will be ready when I get back from my vacation.

becky ward said...

the two worst things ever...being peed on and cleaning up throw-up! no fun! what an eventful day.

Jennifer P. said...

Hey I didn't even realize it was tit day (sorry--couldn't help myself :P!) and I put a recipe up!

Sorry to hear about all the puking. Nothing like a nice pile of vomit to jumpstart you back into the real world! Hope everyone is feeling better now!

Anonymous said...

Brenda- I am good for not much of anything when I am sucked into a good read.

Kat- It was good. Not as good as her other's and WAY sci-fi crazy. But I really liked it and read it in just a couple of days.

Becky- Seriously. I'm just glad there wasn't poop involved too.

Jennifer- Now how will we ever call it anything other than tit day? :) Yes, we're all better, I'm hoping it was just too hard of a coughing attack for Halle. And Kate was just a chain reaction.

Anonymous said...

Oh, brother! What's up with all the puking grandkids?

Miki said... not one of the normal laugh out louds, more like one of the "sigh" laugh out louds. Head shake. Oh man...

That just sounded exhausting just from reading it, but I did laugh, and I did anticipate "something" happening. There always seems to be something.

I think the worst was little Kate peeing right on your! That warmness is NOT what you want to feel! lol...sorry I'm laughing this time, but now that I'm done reading it, and the initial shock is over, that's pretty funny!

Oh Elena! Take care you!!! Oohhh.


Brandon and Emily said...

Sounds like you had a very eventful day LOL. I guess its true that when it rains, it pours huh :). I'm sure it wasn't a fun night, but it sure makes for funny stories!!

Emily said...

Whenever I read a book, my house goes to pot. It takes me days to recover, so I just stopped reading. ;)

This tit day thing gives me the giggles.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I just did a random/important/unimportant meme thingie...and tagged you. Hope you want to join in the reindeer games.

Deanna said...

Darn that Stephanie Meyers! She gets me hooked, too! So sorry abou the throwup - and so sorry I'm laughing about it!!! What a day!

Deanna said...

Darn that Stephanie Meyers! She gets me hooked, too! So sorry abou the throwup - and so sorry I'm laughing about it!!! What a day!

Debbie said...

Elena, I truly have nothing to add other than you made me laugh out loud with all the vomit talk. I'm sorry that happened...and sorrier that you had to clean it. But really, it was so blogworthy and isn't that we are always looking for?

Mama Williams said...

O Elena! No wonder you didn't post. You need a Mother retreat! Come visit me in Utah. We'll take a break from kids, cooking, puke, cleaning, together. Just us Mom's.

Jennifer Jamison said...

honestly, i don't even know how to respond! i am horrified for you! i hate cleaning up pee and barf --- it is so disgusting....especially after you just got done eating!! good grief!

Marci said...

Hey Elena. I'm so glad that you found me. I loved checking out your blog. And I'm glad that I'm not the only one that can't keep her head out of a good book. You have a cute family. I'll have to add you to my sight so I can keep track of you. Maybe next time I'm in Boise you can meet up with Jen and I. It would be fun to see you again.