Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Everything at our house lately has been about charts. We have a scripture reading chart, chore charts, Kate has a potty chart. Lots of charts. So today I hear Carter say, "Okay Johnny, you didn't bark so let's make you a bark chart. You get one circle today for not barking." Then he hung Johnny's chart on the fridge. LOL!


Deanna said...

That is too cute!!! I love carter!

Lee Ann said...

too cute! I've decided we are not a chart family. Maybe Sarah will like them, but Anna could care less if she doesn't get a star on the chart.

Jennifer P. said...

Yay Johnny! What does he get for filling up all his circles?!?!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

I love that!!! We have a chore chart that equals $$$ and do you think that kids care about that - NO!!! But they love to put x's on the chart, go figure.
Found you through Emily's blog and see you post on Jennifer P's blog.

becky ward said...

that is too cute! i LOVE charts.

Miki said...

These charts are music to my ears. You know how I loves me a chart or two!!! Good to see you blogging again. It's a blog fest out there! I started with this one...can't wait to see the rest!

LouandAngela said...

Hilarious! SOOOO CUTE!

Hmmm. . .my kids aren't terribly motivated by charts either, but maybe I should just try letting them put x's on them. I really love charts and hope that someday, they'll work for me too!! :)

The Manwarings said...

HILARIOUS!!! I love it! He is too cute. I love charts, too, almost as much as lists.

Anonymous said...

Oh, cute little Carter.

Elise said...

Awesome! You have to save this forever!

Emily said...

We love charts too... Josh is always making charts for different things...

Jonathan & Rachel said...

That is so cute, and so sweet!! I love precious little boys!