I haven't sat down and just written up my thoughts in a long while. A REALLY long while. I don't know why it's so hard to blog these days. I'm in the process of getting 2008 into a blog book; I had over 300 entries that year. It's been a bit of work to get it all in a book, but I do love to go back and read it. It's time for me to give a little update on life at this house.
I have been learning how to index lately. Basically it's taking old records (birth/death certificates, census papers, draft papers, etc.) and entering the info into a data base that can be searched online. I'm not a fast indexer because I give stories to every person I do. My favorites are the Southern death certificates. I love old Southern names for one, and two, I find causes of death EXTREMELY fascinating. Not that I'm morbid or anything (okay maybe I am a little), but nothing tells a story quite like a cause of death. I've run across everything from "struck by a train" (and there are a lot of these - watching for trains must have been somewhat of a novelty still in the late 1800's), to gun shot wounds (I imagine all sorts of imaginative story lines for these deaths), to cancer of every body part, to tuberculosis (a lot of deaths of every age from this one, makes me very grateful for immunizations.). Anyway, if you're interested in indexing you can learn more at www.familysearchindexing.org, you may just find a new hobby for yourself.
Bishop H. David Burton came to speak at our stake conference. I was able to be part of the choir. I haven't sung with a good choir (and no, unfortunately ward choirs really don't count - bless their souls) since my college days. I had forgotten how much fun it is. I really am a music geek at heart. It was refreshing, but let me know just how out of shape my poor vocal chords are.
Alyssa has been volunteering at the Animal Shelter a little bit. I was a little hesitant to let her go because I was afraid her heart would be sad and I didn't want to hear the begging for each and every pet she wanted to bring home. I think she knows I don't want to hear much about it because she's been good not to say much, but one day she came home talking about a little dog she had bonded with. She kept saying, "Scene did this, or Scene loved that, etc." I thought "Scene" was a strange name for a dog, so I asked her how it was spelled. (The animals names are written on the outside of the cages.) She said, "S-E-A-N". I died laughing and said, "Alyssa, that's pronounced Shawn." To which she replied, "Well, that's the most stupid way to spell Shawn ever." LOL!