Friday, September 21, 2012

Spring Soccer

 This boy loves his soccer.  He hardly ever complains about practices. I love that he has something he enjoys so much.
 Run son run! Carter has a knack for being at the right place at the right time, to tip the ball right into the goal.  He is one of the top scorers for his team which is really fun for the mommy to watch.

Most of these boys have been playing together since 1st grade.  It has been SO much fun to watch them grow and develop as a team.  They really are learning each other's strengths and only lost 1 game this year.  Next year, we've been told that they will be splitting some of the team up.  AYSO isn't really about competitiveness, but it still bums me out as I have loved watching these boys become a working team.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Merry Old Month of May

Camera Fun with Friends! This is one of Halle's favorite games to play.

Ashely, Halle, and Taylor.  These three have been together since first grade.  There really isn't anything better than great friends. 

I just could not resist a little photo shoot of my beautiful Kate getting ready for the Mother's Day program.

 May always brings school programs.  This year Alyssa's class wrote their own play.  I was a little nervous about having to sit through it, to be honest.   But it was so clever and hysterical that I went to it twice and enjoyed every single minute of it.  It was a little parody about a group of kids being teleported into different stories. They had Twilight, High School Musical, the Wizard of Oz, and Lord of the Rings. Alyssa was Dorothy and it was SO fun for me to pull out MY old Dorothy costume from back in my own Jr High days when I also played Dorothy for the school musical. The kids did a fantastic job!

 May is also the month for Mrs Ball's big end of the year program.  Her kids work so hard and put on a fantastic program!  Next year I get to look forward to watching both Carter and Kate in it together.
 This kid really does love to sing and has great pitch, but he insists on singing an octave lower which just cracks me up to no end.  He did great on all his speaking and singing parts.

And what would May be without a kindergarten Mother's Day Program? SO fun and special to me as this will be my last kindergarten program to attend.  My babies are all growing up! They each gave a reason why they loved their moms.  Kate's was, "I love my mom because she tells me what to do."  HA!  I'll have to remind her of that during her teenage years.  I have LOVED doing centers with Kate's class this year.  It has been so much fun to get to know all these little cuties.

Friday, September 07, 2012

Dance Recital

 This was Kate's first year taking dance. She enjoyed the classes, but really it's all about the costume and makeup.  I just thought she was so cute walking down the sidewalk in her little tutu.
 She performed great and remembered all her moves.

 Halle decided to quit classical ballet and try clogging and jazz.  Boy were those first few lessons interesting.  Her feet had never moved like that and everything felt foreign, but she came a long way and did great at the recital.
Aunt Mimi and Josie were in town for a visit and got to come watch the dancers. We miss our little Josie Pants.

Alyssa Runs for Office

Alyssa came home and announced she was running for 8th Grade Class President.  I was super shocked by the announcement.  Running for a class office was something I NEVER had enough guts to do.  She had no qualms and wasn't even worried about the possibility of losing. (Or of mean kids drawing mustaches on her campaign posters -that happened at my jr high/ high school all of the time.) So we did a little photo shoot.

 Such a beautiful girl I have!
 Put together a campaign slogan, posters, and flyers.
And hung them all around the school. She gave a VERY impressive speech (seriously, where did this girl come from?) and later that week was announced the winner!  There will be 2 class presidents for the 8th grade b/c 2 Jr Highs are combining to form a new Middle School. So technically she is "co-class pres", but we are so excited and proud of her for this accomplishment!  She will do a great job for the school.

And here comes April

Fun Easter Egg Hunt with the Cousins at Grandma's.  Good thing Aunt Becky took some pictures because I don't think I even pulled my camera out.

 Cute little Hippity Hop Spencer! When he crawled it looked just like a bunny hopping.  It was the cutest thing.  Bunny ears were too funny on him.

 And it's just not Easter without dying eggs.  I boiled 4 whole dozen, and we didn't even dye one of them. (But we did enjoy egg salad.)  Good thing Grandma had more ambition! 

Apparently I'm such a good mother this year, that I didn't even get pictures of the kids with their Easter Baskets.  What was I thinking?  I guess I wasn't. Anyway, they did get Easter Baskets and a fun thing or two besides a chocolate bunny.
Halle giving her "curl formers" a try.  These actually make super cute ringlet curls

Carter was a nice brother and let the girls help dig for dinosaur bones.
I guess I didn't get pictures of Alyssa donning her new hot rollers, and again, such a great mom, that I can't even remember what Kate's fun thing was.  I'm thinking it was an Easter Barbie.
And just because bunnies feel Eastery, I'm concluding the Easter post with a couple bunny photos.  .
Thumper enjoying the warmth of his box and the sun on his face for a nap.
Yes we still have all 4 rabbits, and yes they are still loved, and yes they are completely the most spoiled rotten, destructive rabbits in the world. And no, they don't love us nearly as much as they ought to, but my kids think they are the greatest pets in the world

Thursday, September 06, 2012

All Things March

So, I'm trying....trying is the keyword here, to get caught up. It's been so long since I've blogged that blogger has gone and changed everything, and I don't even know how to post and edit anymore.  So anyway, without further ado... Here comes the rest of the main events from March. Yes, I am aware that it is September.  Such is the story of my life, I'm behind in just about everything.  But today, I'm turning over a new leaf!  Here's hoping anyway!

Girl Scout Cookie Sells!

Basketball for Carter. Not his favorite sport, we've found.
A trip to the Museum of Idaho.