Run son run! Carter has a knack for being at the right place at the right time, to tip the ball right into the goal. He is one of the top scorers for his team which is really fun for the mommy to watch.
Most of these boys have been playing together since 1st grade. It has been SO much fun to watch them grow and develop as a team. They really are learning each other's strengths and only lost 1 game this year. Next year, we've been told that they will be splitting some of the team up. AYSO isn't really about competitiveness, but it still bums me out as I have loved watching these boys become a working team.
Caleb is running XC this fall. He had his first meet this week and he came in 13th for 7th grade boys, BUT he was the first from his school.
He is a running fool (say it in your best Forrest Gump voice).
I am also glad he has found something he loves to do so much. In fact I was laughing the other day because he has a PE elective this semester, followed by his regular, required PE class, and then after school he goes and runs.
Way to play, Carter.
Yay, Carter!! He's such a good looking soccer player!
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