Thursday, March 29, 2007
Happy Birthday Emmy!!
Posted by Elena at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: Birthdays
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I got a new cell phone over the weekend. It came with a bluetooth ear piece. I am REALLY dumb when it comes to techno-gadgets so I don't really understand what "bluetooth" is. Carter must have overheard me asking Jarom about it and when he saw me opening the package he said, "Mom, what's that? Is it my looth-tooth?" It was SO funny!! This kid constantly has me cracking up.
His latest thing is to say, "Yes sir!" with a hand salute that goes over the back of his head, whenever I tell him to do anything. I'll tell him to put his plate in the sink and he'll salute and say, "Yes sir!", then off he goes. It's so blasted cute! I have NO clue where he has learned this one.
Posted by Elena at 9:45 PM 1 comments
Labels: Kids' Funnies
SPRING break???
It is spring break for my kids. They get the whole week off. AND, yes, that is snow you see in the picture below. Of course it has to snow the week the kids have to stay home! (I just love Idaho weather.) Carter was so excited when he saw the snow and said, "Mom, is it snowing? It IS snowing!!! It's CHRISTMAS!!" He was so confused when I told him it's not.
Posted by Elena at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kids' Funnies
More mischief from Kate.
This is what happens when you don't clear the salt shaker from the table fast enough after dinner.
She was so proud of herself, and was just having a ball swishing salt everywhere. If you notice, the salt shaker is upside down in the cup beside her. (Full of water, mmmmm....)
Posted by Elena at 9:36 PM 2 comments
Labels: motherhood
Happy Birthday Grandma Eva!
Posted by Elena at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Birthdays
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Pierced Ears!!
Alyssa got brave and decided to get her ears pierced yesterday. I was probably more excited than she was. I LOVE to buy little girl earrings. SO cute!! I have always maintaned that it is a personal decision and I have never pierced my babies ears, so when Alyssa said she was ready and willing to do it, I jumped at the chance. (Jarom wasn't nearly as happy about it as I was. Infact, I think he's a little upset. But it's all good.) Before
During, just cleaning the ears geting ready. Look how nervous she was.
After. There were a few tears, but she did REALLY good. I was VERY impressed!
The day after. The ears don't hurt anymore and she is having fun walking past all the mirrors in the house.
Posted by Elena at 11:37 AM 1 comments
Friday, March 23, 2007
Looking for ladybugs.
Halle is passionate about bug catching. She loves nothing more than to capture a ladybug and keep it in a jar for a few days. She's pretty nice about letting to poor bug go back to it's home after a while too. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago she brought home a book order from school that had a series of books about the life cycles of several different things, i.e. horses, sunflowers, ladybugs, etc. So we HAD to buy them. Today I looked out the window and this is what I saw:
She and Carter had the ladybug book open and were digging through the garden plot trying to find a ladybug in any stage of it's life cycle. They were looking under leaves and through the dirt for ladybug eggs, larvae, pupa, and ladybugs themselves. Alas, they came out empty handed, but I thought it was pretty cute and clever!
Posted by Elena at 1:25 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Happy Birthday Quin!
I decided to follow in Becky's footsteps (hope you don't mind Becky) and wish people a happy birthday on my blog. Please don't be offended if I miss your birthday, I'll try my best, but I don't promise anything. Anyway here goes the first one, QUIN!!! Happy 29th!! (Dude, you're getting old!)
I looked everywhere for the picture of you getting make-up on from the girls, but I can't find it. Bummer...
Posted by Elena at 11:49 AM 2 comments
Labels: Birthdays
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Last night before bed, I was giving the kids their chocolate milk and Flintstones vitamins. Carter came running when he heard the vitamin bottle and said, "Mom, I want some of those Yellowstones!"
Posted by Elena at 10:09 AM 1 comments
Labels: Kids' Funnies
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Kids will be kids
Honestly what can I say??? Here are my little nut jobs doing what they do best.
Alyssa and Bailey taped their entire faces up with scotch tape. They insist they could breathe! I can't see how they possibly could, but who I am to talk? I am only the mother. :)
Posted by Elena at 8:10 PM 3 comments
Monday, March 19, 2007
Snowmobile fun
We just returned from our anual snowmobile trip to Island Park. Jarom's family rents cabins and we play on lots of really nice snowmachines. Here are a few highlights:
Day 1: Building snowcaves The kids had a great time digging snowcaves in the driveway of the cabins. Infact, Alyssa had so much fun every day playing, that I never got a picture of just her. She's the one laying on the ground, digging away. It was so nice this year because the kids are finally getting old enough that we could let them play outside while the adults relaxed a little inside.
Day 2: Playing in the meadow.
Kate getting ready to ride. She loved it although she didn't get to do it much. (Notice the snowcaves in the background.)
Hey many kids can fit on an inner tube??? ALOT!
The weather was so nice and warm that the meadow was REALLY slushy. We all sank to our waists at least once. Halle had crummy boots and her feet got soaking wet. So we improvised with gloves and called them "monkey toes".
Day 3: Family ride to Big Springs
Carter and Halle getting ready to ride to Big Springs. Alyssa had a fever this day and didn't feel like coming with us.
Here we are at Big Springs. It is really fun to take bread and feed the trout and muskrats. The kids loved it. (Don't I look pretty in my face mask? Amber kept telling me I looked like a nun. HA!)
Day 3 con't: Ride to Mesa Falls
The adults usually take a ride to Mesa Falls. We go in shifts to trade off tending the kids. Here is how my shift began. About 15 minutes into the ride my machine wouldn't go faster than 30 mph. After I stopped, the machine wouldn't go at all. The guys all tinkered with it and got it running again, but I ended up trading machines with Gregg.
About 10 minutes later the belt on Kaylin's machine broke. So we stopped for a few and put on a new one. We were on our way again.
Not 5 minutes later, the belt on my second machine broke (actually it shredded). This one took a little longer to get a new belt on, but we managed. Off we went to catch up with the rest of the group.
When we met up with the rest of the group we learned that Justin's belt had broken as well. Were we EVER going to make it to Mesa Falls???
Whew!! We made it! It was well worth the trip. It is SO pretty there. (Blogger does not like my picture of the entire group there, so all you get is Jarom and me.)
Day 4: Returning the machines to the Harris cabin.
After checking out of the cabins, loading up our vehicles, and turning on movies in the vehicles for the kids, 10 of us jumped on sleds to return them to the Harris cabin. (It's supposed to be about a 40 minute trip, round trip.) After taking a wrong turn and back tracking a bit, Amber's machine did the exact thing mine had done the day before. It wouldn't go past 30 mph and as soon as she stopped, the machine died. We decided to tow it behind another sled, but it started smoking, so after removing the belt and a few test runs, we were on our way. When we FINALLY arrived at the Harris cabin, we realized that the tool box lid on Jarom's machine was missing. We were already about 30 minutes behind schedule so the ladies decided to drive back to the child filled vehicles waiting below. The guys went off to search for the lid.
The poor kids were fit to be tied having waited so long in the cars, so the women decided to drive on to I.F. and let the guys come in the last vehicle when they were ready. We load everyone up and.... a dead car battery!! Justin and Amber's van battery had died. (Why not end the trip with this little cherry on the top?) I was very impressed that the girls could jump start a car without the aid of the men!
Even with all the minor mishaps, the trip was VERY fun. I already look forward to next year. For more highlights visit Becky's blog.
Posted by Elena at 9:20 AM 2 comments
Labels: Vacation
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Dinner with Alyssa and Halle
The other night we ate chicken cordon bleu for dinner. Halle, who is usually our NON meat eater was chowing down on it. Alyssa, the usual meat lover, wouldn't touch it. We were all saying how good it was and trying to get Alyssa to eat some. Halle said, "Mmmm, I love this corn on the blue!" Now if that wasn't funny enough, Alyssa piped in mad at everyone with this comment, "Well, my taste buds are different than everyone else's and that's what makes me special!" It was hilarious. As always, my kids crack me up.
Posted by Elena at 10:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kids' Funnies
Happy St. Patty's Day!
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick's day! We've had a good day that started off with a primary activity breakfast. We ate yummy Mrs. Powells cinnamon twists, grapes, and green juice. Then the kids and I joined Missy and her boys for a picnic in the park. It was SUCH a beautiful day and poor Carter got a little bit of a sunburn on his neck. I just don't think about sunscreen in March.
After our picnic, we drove out to my folk's where the kids pulled out the train and leprechauns left gold covered chocolates around the yard. (A tradition in my little family. My kids look EVERY year for leprechaun gold and EVERY year the leprechauns "forget" to come until later in the day. Maybe next year the leprechauns will get it together and remember they have a duty to fulfill the day BEFORE St. Patrick's day.)
Anyway, we then came home and ate pizza and leprechaun slush for dinner and watched "Darby O'Gill and the Little People". I used to LOVE this show. I borrowed an old VHS tape from my mom that had a recorded version of the show on it. It was pretty funny because I remember only liking to watch the parts that had the leprechauns it it. Sure enough, as soon as the tape got to the point with the "little people" the tracking went mad. The tape was so worn and old! We got it to work somewhat and I had a great time listening to all the music I remember from my childhood. It was fun for me and the kids liked it as well. Now it's time for bed and in the next few days I'll catch up with posts from our snowmobile trip to Island Park.
Posted by Elena at 9:50 PM 2 comments
Friday, March 09, 2007
Now I'm in trouble!
The other night Kate pulled the chair to the back door. I grabbed my camera and took 2 pictures. This is what I got in the order that I got them!!
Thankgoodness she doesn't have the strength yet to actually unlock the dead-bolt. But she has obviously seen us do it enough times that she knows the exact order you touch things to get the door open. What a little stink pot and smartie!!
Posted by Elena at 8:38 AM 3 comments
My saggy curtains...HELP????
Jarom gave me $$ to buy curtains for Valentine's Day. I finally redeemed it this week. I was SO excited to dress my naked dining room window. But things haven't turned out quite the way I expected.
The process begins!!
Part way there! (I know I still need to iron them, but I was so excited to see what they would look like.)
The way they look on the package....
The way they look on my window...
Now I KNOW there has got to be a secret to get them beautiful and the swags to look the picture. But I don't know what that secret is. If anyone has ANY suggestions please let me know. I plan to iron them really well and then to try to stick tissue paper in each of the layers of the swag. I'll keep you posted on that, but in the mean time if you know any tricks be sure to tell me. I am in desperate need of curtain help.
Posted by Elena at 8:23 AM 1 comments
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Adventures of Blast Off
While we were at Blast Off, Alyssa came running out of the toy area yelling that some kid was picking on Halle. So I walked back to the back area thinking that there was probably a "normal" kid scuffle going on. But when I arrived, Halle was SOBBING, and Carter had giant alligator tears streaming down his face too. And of course NO other kid was to be seen anywhere. I asked Halle what had happened and she said that some boy had bitten her back. I looked at her back and her shirt was sopping wet (GROSS!), and she had a HUGE bite mark in her shoulder blade. Alyssa proceeds to tell me that some rotten little boy was jumping on Carter so Halle stepped in to help and this kid held her up against the side of the ball pit, hit her and bit her. At this point I am FURIOUS and want nothing more than to find the little brat and pin his ears back. We looked around for quite a while and never found him. I told Halle that in cases like this is when she is supposed to use her karate, to which she replied, "But I'm not mean!"
Halle refused to continue playing and just sat by me and cried. She cried so bad she broke out in hives on her face. After a good 20 minutes we finally saw the kid. Of course he's the typical little "I didn't do anything wrong" looking kid, with a mother who looks even more scary. I debated whether or not to say something to the mother, but honestly fearing for the kid's well-being at his own home, decided to just confront him. I asked him why he bit Halle, and OF COURSE he says, "I didn't do it!" in the whiniest most rotten voice ever. I showed him her back and told him I knew he did it and he needed to tell her he was sorry. He refused several times until I threatened to go tell his mom. Then in a very unconvincing way said sorry under his breath. I decided to let it go at that and we went home.
Anyway, long story short, Halle didn't have much fun. Why do some people's kids act SO completly awful? I can only imagine what this soon-to-be juvenile delinquent will be like as an adult and the cycle will continue. However, I must say, I was VERY proud of my kids for standing up for one another.
Halle in the ball pit before the incident.
This one was really cute before they moved! We had them all laying in the balls with only their heads showing, but alas, the camera lady wasn't quick enough.
Posted by Elena at 11:05 AM 2 comments
Labels: motherhood
Friday, March 02, 2007
Baby Carter
I couldn't resist posting a few baby pictures of Carter. He was such a cute baby with THE most WILD hair I have ever seen on a baby. I tell people about it, but they just don't understand (or believe me) what I am talking about until they see it for themselves.
Just a few days old. What sweet memories!
4 weeks old. His hair stood straight up like a helmut over his entire head. And the tips curled just slightly like we had used a curling iron on him. It was hilarious!! And I absolutely LOVED it.
6 weeks old and already time to give him a haircut! It was really hard for me to cut off his precious afro (sp?), but as you can see it was necessary. So we gave him a big boy cut and he's had a haircut every month of his life ever since.
My friend Jen came over to my house and cut Carter's hair. She practically had to hold my hand while she did it because I was so sad. I am sure I made her VERY nervous, but she did a great job and we only had a few tears from the big ol' lug of a 6 week old.
6 months old! Is he not a doll?!! OOOH! I just want to squeeze him!
Posted by Elena at 11:28 PM 5 comments