Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I Die You

Kate came in today pointing some magnetix at me. She kept saying, "I die you." I didn't get it and then she said, "Momma, I die you. You say ouch." Then I understood that she was pretending to shoot me with her homemade magnetix "gun". (Yes, she has an older brother she plays with.) It was SO cute! (In a slightly morbid sort of way.)

This picture is from the other night after Kayson's tee-pee party. I just couldn't resist her smile.


LouandAngela said...

She is so darling and GROWN UP in this picture! I can see why you couldn't resist posting it! What a doll!!

Miki said...

"Momma! You say ouch!" That was the cutest part...

This will be one of the fun ones for her to look back at when she's all grown up. So cute.

Manwaring Family said...

She is absolutely adorable!! I LOVE to hear all the funny things kids say :)

Jewelle said...

Way cute picture of Kate!

Jennifer P. said...

She is looking so grown up!

We tried for years to be a "gun free" household---but sure enough, my boys started building crude weapons out of puzzle pieces and legos and chewing their pb and j's into the shape of a gun. They all like to "die" us :)!