Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Carter and His Friend Wynter

We have a little neighbor boy named Wynter that Carter has played with a handful of times. I would consider them friends, but honestly they've only played together maybe 5 times in the 3 years we've lived here.

Well Carter has made Wynter is real-life-imaginary-friend. You should hear the tales he comes up with about what he and Wynter did. It's quite hilarious. It always goes something like this. "Mom, Mom! One time me and Wynter, we...." and then he proceeds to tell me some exciting adventure they've been on.

They've gone fishing, chased monsters, played expert level on Guitar Hero (btw Wynter is "WAY good at expert, but he's only a little good at medium"), gone swimming in the river and Carter had to rescue Wynter, raced motorcycles, had elaborate birthday parties, drank 3 different kinds of lemonade together, you name it and they've done it. (Well in Carter's mind anyway.) It's so cute and I love to hear the tales of Carter and Wynter. It drives the girls nuts, but I tell them to leave him alone and let him enjoy his imaginary friend.


Anonymous said...

Crazy, crazy kid! Gotta love 'im.

Lee Ann said...

I think that's fun! My "friend" was Angela. I talked to her all the time. Funny how I remember that.

becky ward said...

sometimes i wonder if i have an imaginary friend. it's healthy! i hope carter and wynter have a very exciting summer! (;

Miki said...

I like the way Wynter is spelled. I'm nervous about imaginary friends. I've never had one, nor did any of my siblings. I'm glad a lot of people had them though and seem to think it's okay. I wonder what I would do if one of my kids started playing with one? I guess I would have Aunt Elena calm me down and tell me she thought it was cute, and that everything is okay, and healthy....right?

Anonymous said...

Lee Ann- hilarious

Becky- Maybe I should make one up. Might make life easier.

Miki- I don't know how I feel about full on imaginary friends either. (Although, I've known kids who had them and they are fine.) But Carter's isn't really like that. He doesn't talk to or play with him. He just makes up stories to tell. So I chock up to a great imagination. :)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

My kids both have very active imaginations. But my youngest likes to tell stories about herself...and all the things she "did." She can be so convincing...I think she believes it herself :-)

Jennifer P. said...

I had Cindy. Cindy and I use to walk down to the tennis club to play tennis with Leif Garrett and Sean Cassidy. I got so good at telling the tales that my sister (who was 14 when I was 4) started to believe me :)!

Sounds like imaginary Wynter is great for some imaginary adventuring! And what a cute picture of Carter.

LouandAngela said...

What a great imagination! I love it! By the way, I think I fixed my picture problems. I really need a quick tutor session on blogging. I'm back in the dinosaur ages in blog world (sticking to the way I first learned) and it's not working out so great for me.

"The Queen in Residence" said...

I love the imagination of Carter. I can hardly wait to hear what adventure they have next.

Elise said...

He is too cute!