Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"Oh, That's Bad!"

I gave myself a goal to try one new recipe a week this summer. I thought this would be a great way to introduce my family to ethnic cuisine, healthier foods, exotic fruits and veggies, give them a more gourmet palate, etc. I had brilliant plans to have a "Try-it-Tuesday" (or something catchy like that) weekly post complete with a 5 star rating system. Well, we are on week two and I think I'm going to give up.

Last week's Morrocan Beef and Couscous wasn't a hit for sure. Carter and I enjoyed the couscous, but everyone else "didn't get it", to use Jarom's words. I forced everyone to eat a few bites and it wasn't so bad that we couldn't stomach it, but the beef was just too sweet and strange for my garlic and onions loving family. Maybe it was the fact that I substituted the coriander for turmeric and the wine for grape juice, I don't know. But anyhow try one went into the garbage pail.

Tonight's Orange Chicken looked delish in the Kraft magazine. Jarom tasted it first and the look on his face was priceless. "Is there liquid smoke in this?", he asked with a slightly pained look. I told him that no, it was bbq sauce and orange marmalade. Then he said, "Mmmmmmmm" with an anguished grimace. So I took my bite and the only thing I could say, "Oh that's bad!" , as rice and chicken came flying out of my mouth. I didn't even make the kids try it. No need to torture them. So it's cold cereal tonight after 8 hours of slow cooking the chicken.

Who knows, maybe I'll continue my weekly try-it-out recipes and just warn you which ones to stay away from.


LouandAngela said...

Oh! That's hilarious! I hate spending the $ and time on a recipe to find out it doesn't taste good to anybody! Don't give up! You'll find some good ones in there. Maybe you should ask people for suggestions for your weekly meal!

Guess what? I'm in Idaho. I'm at Camille's new place in Firth/Shelley for another day or so. Then, I'll be at my mom's. We should get together! I'll be here through next Wednesday.

Brenda said...

I am really laughing!! I tried a new recipe this week. I made it in crockpot, it was called orange chicken, it had orange marmalade in it, and it was seriously gross! I threw the entire pot out, as well as the recipe! So I am having about as much luck as you are! I should have posted it, and saved you all the trouble!!!

Brenda said...

Sorry, I forgot to say I love the new header! Too Cute!!

stevie kay said...

Maybe instead of randomly selected "Try it Tuesdays" we could all swap tried and true recipes. That way we're trying something new and expanding what our family eats, but we also know that it's not going to be disgusting!

Miki said...

I'm still laughing!!! LOL!!!! ohhhh, lol. I just don't know what else to say! It was sooo funny.


I can't wait for more stories and ratings from "try it Tuesday"!!! Bring on the Tuesdays!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hate it when that happens. But hey, you can't beat cold cereal for dinner!! Yum yum!


Elena said...

Angela- Yes, call me! I would love to see you. I'll be out of town Sat. but on Mon. or Tues would be good.

Brenda- Sounds like the exact same recipe. Who's crazy idea was it to publish that nasty stuff?!

Stevie- I like the idea of a try-it-tues swap. Maybe we should all give it a try next week.

Miki- Yes, I knew you'd get a good laugh. Five perfectly good chicken breast down the garbage disposal.

Elena said...

Amber- You must have been commenting the same time I was. Yes, mmmm...mmmm good cold cereal. So sad.

Manwaring Family said...

Good for you for your good intentions!! It's the love that goes into it that counts, so cold cereal is OK!!

Jewelle said...

Funny that you are doing this. I have been trying to do it for awhile. Sometimes I remember sometimes I don't. It has been difficult. We have had some of those dump in the garbage meals. But we have had lots of successes too! So keep trying it. I've gotten Lily to actually start trying new things and liking them!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

I also try the Kraft recipes and I have yet to find one that tastes as good as they make it out to be. I ususally stick with the sweets from that magazine. So sorry about that, there is nothing worse then all that work for nothing!

I like that idea about tried and true recipes. I get really tired of spaghetti and meatballs once a week. Gone are the days of making things that did not come out of a box. I make food my kids will eat but that my husband and I suffer through week after week.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

What a pain - and the money. Yuck. But...I do love the idea of a try it Tuesday. Of course my try its end up being desserts - like Pioneer Woman's Apple Dumplings...or my own strawberry shortcakes...or this week I am dying to make candy bar pie that I saw featured in Southern Living magazine (I'm sure you'll see that featured on my blog soon!).

This week I have been trying out slow cooker meals. I am so not impressed.

becky ward said...

you little dare devil you! i love the title of this post. very funny!

Elena said...

Joni- Yep, lots of love.

Jewelle- I think it's so smart to get young kids to taste and enjoy different things.

Queen- What is up with Kraft?! Somebody needs to be fired. Although, the treats are usually good.

Kat- Candy Bar Pie?! Sounds like heaven. Be sure to post about it!!!

Becky- It really was "bad"!

The Manwaring Family said...

I have had the same luck with the dinner ideas in the Kraft magazine. The deserts are always yummy! I like the idea of swapping recipes we all love. I'm always wondering what to make next. P.S. in case you didn't know I'm a cold cereal fan for any meal :)

Jennifer P. said...

Just call me girl! I'm not the world's best cook, but one thing I do have is an eye for recipes. I can tell from the first 5 ingredients if the thing is going to be a bomb or not. Here's a rule you should probably have learned from the two recipes you tried: fruit + meat = not so good :)......