Sunday, June 22, 2008

Summertime, Summertime, Sum Sum Summetime, Summertiiiiiiiiime!

It's official, summer is in full swing here. (We've waited a long time for it to get here this year.)

Cherries are in Season!

Snowcones are a must!

The outdoor pool is open!

And we are all hot and exhausted! It's great.

A couple of funnies to add:

We've all suffered our fair shares of sunburns this past week. Alyssa asked me the other day where the "A-L-O" was. She meant aloe. So funny.

Carter was hopping around on his good foot and Jarom asked him if he was a hoppy frog. He said, "No, I'm a broken man with a broken foot." Hilarious. (He can now walk around on the foot; he still limps, but at least he's not crawling anymore.)


Anonymous said...

I don't think you can take a bad picture of Carter, even with his face a mess. He's just got such an infectious smile.

Anonymous said...

I just went back and looked at his picture enlarged. Did you notice one of his long eyelashes on his cheek? And it's a very good picture that shows his shark tooth for posterity. Ha!

Jennifer Jamison said...

Loving the warm weather here, too! Come visit and go swimming with us!! :)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Can you believe that I am the only one in the house that will eat cherries?! What a great picture of your son with the cherry face! And where is that that you are eating your snowcones? So pretty!

Anonymous said...

Mom- Yes, I did see that hair in the picture. He was so filthy when I took it I didn't even notice.

Fur- We'd LOVE to come play. I wonder if Jarom has any trips planned?

Kat- Your kids don't know what they're missing. :) And we were at the falls of Idaho Falls where we live. It's the Snake River.

becky ward said...

fun, fun, fun! glad to hear carter is feeling a little better.

Miki said...

I know, I think of all the blogging women I know, that you've been waiting for summer to start the most!!!

I remember all of the groans over the snowy sidewalks...again...and again!!! lol

Glad to see you're just sopping up all of that great sunshine.

Debbie said...

I love summer too! The pics on the past posts of your kids are precious...I love the broken man comment. That made me laugh out loud. I hope Carter's foot is better soon...there is summer fun to be had!

Brandon and Emily said...

You gotta love Carter!! how could anyone get mad at that little guy? what a stud.

Mama Williams said...

I love your sun-opsis of summertime. :) Cute photos! It's been fun to reconnect with Marci and Jen too. Thanks
U coming to Utah this summertime?

Jennifer P. said...

We're trying to beat the birds to the cherries in our tree that are just starting to ripen up. I thought that since they'd eaten all but 3 of our strawberries, they'd at least leave us a few....

Just looking at the kids swimming and sleeping makes me exhausted. Nothing takes it out of a kid (or adult!) faster than heat and exercise!

Glad Carter is on the mend and that summer comes even to I.F. :)