Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What's that thing called?

And my final post for today (whew I'm all "blogged" up) is a funny from Carter. This morning bright and early he came in and woke Jarom and me up and said, "Wake up! I want to play the wiener!" It's called a wii son, a wii....


Mama Williams said...

Ha! We want a weiner too- I mean a wii. Tell me where you got your awesome deal.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it was an "accidental" ebay purchase. Jarom just thought he'd try in the last 35 seconds and won it. I am sure you can get it cheaper now that it's not Christmas, but we got a pretty good deal considering. We've scoped it out and figured we over paid by about $50 if the stores would have had them in stock.

Emily said...

Soooooooooo funny!

Dawnyel said...

OH MY GOSH!! I'm DYING!! That's too funny!!

becky ward said...

I want to play the weiner too!