Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Halloween?

I keep forgetting to write this little funny from Kate down. When we were delivering our neighbor gifts all the kids would jump out of the car to go to the door. Kate was feeling completly left out as she was strapped in to her carseat. She kept saying, "I wanna trick-or-treat!" She thought the kids were getting something good without her.


Jennifer P. said...

Too funny! What a cutie she is!

Mama Williams said...

I can't blame her. Darn that carseat. PS-I'm sick again. Can you believe it! See my blog for details.

Jonathan & Rachel said...

That is so funny! I remember last year after Halloween that Isaac told me he was going to be a pirate for Chirstmas! Kids are so sweet!

becky ward said...

Owen called his stocking candy "trick or treats" a few times. Silly kids!