All I can say as I am posting the last two years is THANK GOODNESS for Facebook and Instagram!
First post in April was a sad one.
Having to put your doggie down on April Fools is not a funny joke. Sad day at the Manwaring's.
Ugh, that was a rough day. That dog....what can I even say. I loved him because I love all animals, and he did have a sweet, happy go lucky personality. But he barked....ALL. THE. TIME! Like seriously, all of the time. And he wouldn't stop peeing in my basement. I had a very love/hate relationship with him. I thought I would feel very relieved when he was gone. But nope, I cried for 3 days straight after he had to be put down. Stupid dog. Hope he is happily barking his way through heaven these days.
This was the next post a day or so later that I wrote:
Okay, so we have a fire alarm that is chirping and driving me NUTS. I was sitting here trying to get some bills paid while it's chirping away and I just automatically scolded Johnny to be quiet. HAHAHAHA! Probably only funny to those who knew my barky dog.
Taking a much needed break as we head over to visit Aunt Mimi's family.
Don't make me smile Aunt Lena. I'm busy.
Poor Hank is going to be a lap dog this week whether he wants to or not. He provided some much needed doggy snuggles, albeit stiff legged, for my kids.
Taking a tour of my sister's city. The Muslim Mosque, Hindu Temple, and LDS church are all on Bombing Range Road. Haha! Seems a bit ironic somehow. Not that I condone bombings of any sort whatsoever.
On our way back home we stopped in Caldwell for Alyssa's school project. Waiting for NHD (National History Day) results. Seeing if Alyssa's group is going to Nationals in DC or not....No DC this year, but they got 4th at state. Good job girls!
Dance picture day. The amount of hairspray in this building may be toxic.
Love to see Halle in pointe shoes!
I love to track my friend Karen when she runs the Boston Marathon. I get on the computer and track her updates and then watch for her to pass through the Heart Break Hill live feed camera. This was the year of the Boston Bombing at the finish and line and Karen is so blessed to be unharmed!
For those of you who tracked Karen Newman Smith from my status updates, I need to clarify her finish time. Her length of run was 4:09.22, but her actual finish line time due to the delay between the gun start and her start line cross was 4:09.36. So she crossed the finish line a mere 8 seconds before the first bomb. My heart continues to ache for all those affected and I am So very grateful that neither Karen or Scott were hurt.
Field trip with Kate! #Nosiybus
4 stitches and not happy about it. Sliced his finger at school on the metal edge of a wipe off board.
Today's hair brought to you by Eastern ID wind. #hereIcomeOz
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