Saturday, November 22, 2008

Good Times and Review

Soooo...what do you think? Did you like it, hate it, love it? I'm gonna say it was better than I thought it would be. I was pleasantly pleased and I am happy with that. Could it have used a larger budget? Yes. Were there some strange parts the director should not have allowed? Uh-huh. But overall, Edward gave me butterflies and that's just what I wanted.
And as promised, pictures of our shirts.
Mine said, "My heart belongs to my husband, but Edward can have my neck." And I'll admit I copied that line off one I read somewhere on the internet.

Thanks for the fun girls night ladies!! It was a riot.


becky ward said...

aren't you cute in your edward shirt! glad you had a good time. now, i've got to figure out who is going to come and see it with me.

Lee Ann said...

So glad you had a good time. Your review was better than some I've read. Did you have to stand in liine outside for hours like people here did?

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Oh, I am glad ya'll had fun. And your shirts are great! Katie and I went to the 10am show yesterday. Katie loved it. Me. I have a list :-)

Tamie said...

i enjoyed the movie and did for sure, wish that it had had a larger budget to make the movie just didn't fit in enough...i'm sure that like my theater, yours, was filled with pre-teen and teen girls that squealed with delight when edward slowly walked into the girl even yelled out "I love you Edward!"---i told my husband when i came home, that he should be extremely glad that he didn't come with last night...wait a while until all the hype dies down--then go and see it.

Elena said...

Becky, if you go to the matinee I'll go with you.

Lee Ann- We didn't have to wait outside, but we did have to line up in the foyer for about 45 minutes. It wasn't too terrible. I kept saying that I felt like I was lining up outside Shopko on Black Friday.

Tamie- I was actually quite surprised with our crowd. LOTS of mommies. And a few miserable hubbys. The teen crowd came to the showing right after hours. But we did still get the audible gasp as Edward walked in nice and slowly. Too funny!

stevie kay said...

I'm with Alyssa, you guys ARE weird . . . but I love you anyway and I'm glad you had a good time :-)

Wendy said...

You guys look like you had so much fun. Love the Edward shirt. I bet I'm the only female on the planet not planning to go to this!


Unknown said...

So fun! Isn't it great to have things like this to look forward to and then talk about for the next several weeks? I will admit, there were some cheesy parts, but I really liked it and was surprised when it ended, I thought it should have kept going!

The CEO said...

Brent said he liked the movie, but it's still not his number one vampire flick (I think Interview with Vampire takes that one). He was totally annoyed with the teenie-bopper crowd and their vocal commentaries, especially since he hadn't read the book. He thought the chase scene had potential, but they didn't do anything with it, which was a bummer. I think he missed a lot because he hadn't read the books and I had to narrate for him. He thinks Edward wore too much makeup and Jasper was too comical. He was intrigued by the conflict of the Cullens attempting to be normal...not what he's used to in vampire movies. He would watch subsequent sequels, with the hope that there's more action.
Glad you had a fun night!! Shanna

LouandAngela said...

I'm glad you had a good time. Looks like you did!

Well. . .I hate to be a mean critic, BUT. . .I went expecting that I wouldn't like it(hoping that I'd be pleasantly surprised), but it met my expectations. Cheesy, TERRIBLE music (especially his love song to Bella--couldn't it have been more like Clair de Lune?), not as well cast as I would have liked (Edward grew on me, but I agree, he had too much makeup and I hated his bushy eyebrows and hair). . .BUT, I was entertained (probably laughed when I shouldn't have b/c of the low budget feel) and had a fun evening with some of my friends.

Please don't hate me all ya'll.

By the way, how did you feel about the casting for Jacob? I hope he can grow on me.

Emily said...

STILL have not seen it! I have heard a TON of bad reviews from girls in my neck of the woods so I was even debating going and just waiting for it to come out on DVD... but I may just go for the heck of it. ;) Your shirt is cute.

ClancyPants said...

SO fun to get to know you! Now if we could just figure out where the heck we know eachother from previous to last night!

Hope to see you at more girl's nights in the future. :)


Barb said...

Now I'm definitely going to have to see this movie. I am currently reading "the host" which I heard will also be made into a movie soon.

Unknown said...

We rock! Ha... So much fun. I am so happy to see you after all this time. You were a great vt. One of my favs. Your shirt was one of the best. Hope to see ya soonish. Happy turkey..Em

Unknown said...

We rock! Ha... So much fun. I am so happy to see you after all this time. You were a great vt. One of my favs. Your shirt was one of the best. Hope to see ya soonish. Happy turkey..Em

Just a Blogger said...

Wow, that's all I have to say is wow...

The Manwarings said...

Oh, what a fun time! I have to admit Justin's friend gave him reserved seating tickets to the midnight showing on Thursday night, so Angie and I headed out. If only they could make a ten hour movie and not have to leave out any details.