Thursday, November 06, 2008

Tech Savvy Kids

I was talking with Queenie (okay we were emailing each other, but I like to say talking cause it makes me sound like I know her in "real life") about how tech savvy our kids are these days. It really is incredible isn't it?

Just yesterday I had to ask my FOUR year old how to change control on the Wii remote to get number two to turn to number one. (Don't worry if you don't understand, cause I barely do myself.) Carter just talked me right through the entire process. "You click here, then you press that button, and then click here." When I was all done I pressed the "home" button because I couldn't figure any way to get out of the maze he'd woven me through. Carter said, "Mom! Don't press that it takes you out of the game." (Like duh, you old lady!)

And then tonight Alyssa told us a "hilarious" story about how "Libby's phone rang right in the middle of class. Her ring tone was so funny and it just went right off during reading!" (Can you even imagine a phone ringing in the middle of your 4th grade classroom, let alone a phone belonging to another 10 year old?) My Alyssa is the minority in her class because she doesn't carry her own cell. Good grief, I didn't get my first cell phone until I was 24!!

Halle asked Jarom to correct her math; his reply, "Halle, while you're in second grade you bet I'll correct your math, but when you get in 8th grade, we might be in trouble." Eighth grade?! I tried to help Alyssa (remember 4th grade) with her math yesterday. It was geometry. I got a D in geometry my sophomore year of HIGH SCHOOL! (I wasn't much help to her.)

It really is amazing how much more advanced our kids are than we were at their age. Our growing up world is absolutely foreign to them. I sure hope I can keep up, or if all else fails, I hope my kids will be patient with their dinosaur age mother.


Tamie said...

i'm with you there...and the whole cell phone thing: children do not need them.
i just got my first cell phone when i was 30...i'm one up on ya there elana :)
and another thing: if i get my kids cell phones, they'll be like the disney ones where they can on ly dial something like four numbers...that is all they really need anyways, right?

Mama Williams said...

My kids don't have a cell phone either. Why? Need vs. Want. They don't really even want one yet either. Great! And I completely followed the wii conversation. Andrew's a pro too.

Lenes-I've noticed since our bloggin addiction began over a year and half ago, I hear less and less from you. You blog is so busy that I don't even get but a random one sentence comment from you any more on mine. Boo hoo! Hey! You don't have to be to tech savy, just pick up the phone. ( I'll try to do better at reaching out in a full conversation myself.)
You know I just love you! :)
Have a great weekend!

Elena said...

I want the world to know, I called Willy Happy Mama last. Tag you're it Julie! :)

The Shep's Herd said...

I know waht you mean about our kids. I like to call them the more advanced species. My kids are allways tring to teach me new things on the computor. The funny thing is they usally do. I'm so far behind. I am an aid for 3rd grade. I correct math and spelling and I need a correction sheet beacuse I cant figure it out on my head and I'm afraid I will figure it out wrong.So basically I can't even do 3rd grade math or spelling .. Good Grief !! I'm hopless.

becky ward said...

a cell phone in 4th grade! that is crazy!

i am not looking forward to the homework stage. i'm scared!

Anonymous said...

I'm 55 and still don't have cell phone!

Elena said...

Well, that's cause you're from the pre-dinosaur era. LOL!

Miki said...

I can't believe I'm one of the mommies in agreement saying, "a cell phone in the fourth grade?"! That is just shocking! What did we do in our younger years that was just shocking to our parents that we just thought, "oh mom..."

Brenda said...

I helped out in Morgan's classroom last year with Math, I would walk around the classroom and answer questions when they had trouble. Boy did I feel smart when I had to ask my own daughter (this was 3rd grade) to explain stuff to me, so I didn't look so stupid in class! We are going to be hopeless when they get into middle school!

Jewelle said...

Okay so you asked about the crostado. It is like a pizza, except that the crust comes over the top of the filling by about 1/2 - 1 inch. Also, you asked me about the Winger's sauce awhile ago and I forgot to tell you about it. I got the recipe of the internet. They lady who posted it said she used to work at winger's and that was how they made the sauce. It has been a LONG time since we've been there so I can't really remember them in order to compair them. Sorry!

Deanna said...

I am laughing my head off! So hard, that I can hardly type!!! I love the Four-T-H and how that guys reads. Wow!!!!!


Wendy said...

I found myself nodding all throughout your post, Elena! DH and I have joked for years that we would need a live-in math tutor once our daughter reached middle school. Well, she's in JR High and we're THERE. I thank heaven every night that she is doing well in Geometry and doesn't need our help. (tender mercy!) No, I really do!

Cell phones? Sheesh! Daughter didn't get one until last year (JR High) and that's ONLY for safety reasons.

Finally, I always tell hubby the kids coming down from heaven nowadays, come down "wired"! They really have an aptitude for the techy stuff, don't they?

Great post.

Unknown said...

Oh man, I am so with you sister! My 10 year old niece has a cell phone and is constantly texting ME to get to Bayli! It is amazing how fast our society wants these little ones to grow up! I am in the dino era and I am just fine with that!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

I do feel better cause I have been blogging for a year and it has taken that long to finally teach my parents how to post comments on my blog. So see we do know more things then our kids, not much where technology is concerned. Thanks for the shout out!!!