"Wake up! It's your birthday! You're turning 31!" Actually I'm turning 32 today, but every time a birthday comes around, I think of that silly and adorable song my girls wrote for me last year. It's a classic!
You all know I am a narcissist, (yes it's true, I do love myself) so I decided to post all the pictures of past birthdays that I had in my possession. (Besides, it was a great time to get them all scanned and in the computer.) As you can see, I am missing several years, but you get the drift. Me on my actual "birth" day. Okay, so the date on the back says I was one day old, but close enough. (Look at my cute YOUNG mom.)
One year old! Party time with my cousins in TX. (Emily, Natalie is the one on the right.)
My second birthday, well actually my dad's birthday, but since we're only 3 days apart it counts.
Birthday no. 5 . The first big "friend" party. Angela, do you recognize anyone? And WHY weren't you there?
Skip ahead to birthday number 10. Look at my LOVELY painted nails. I am sure I thought I was b-e-a-utiful. And check out that charm necklace; I LOVED that thing! This was also the era of jelly shoes; good times!
Hitting the teenage years -13!
Sweet 16 and old enough to date and drive! (Yes, I had TWO dates on this birthday, and no, Jarom wasn't one of them.)
Three of my greatest friends joining me for my 17th birthday. (It's not the greatest picture of Jarom, but look how TINY he was!! He's like a baby.)
Ah, the college days. Birthday number 20! I had good roommates that decorated for me. Thanks guys!
Getting old, 22! Seriously, this is where I began to feel old. Crazy I know.
Finally a mommy celebrating my 24th birthday.
Oh, this one is just gorgeous at 26.
My 28th big year!
Living in I.F. again at age 30.
And finally one from last year when I turned 31.
There it is, my own montage to myself. I am sure I enjoyed it more than any of you (except maybe my mom), but thanks for sharing in my birthdays with me. I can look back on almost all of these and remember something or someone that I loved. Can't wait to see where the next 30 years or so will take me.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me!
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Hey, who woulda thunk I would be the first to comment...?? happy b-day elena
Happy Birthday, Elena. Hope Jarom has everything under control this morning, I'm sure he did with the girls' help. Did you get a new song? Anna
Oh my goodness, don't you and Kate as babies have such similarities? That was just amazing! I hope you get some great gifts. I know the one I planned for you was hard to beat! We'll have to see.....
That was a fun blog. Happy Birthday Elena. I'm so glad we're friends!
P.S. That deleted comment was me. I didn't like the typos in my first one, so I wanted to edit it and didn't know how!
OH your babies looked just like you--all that hair! And the charm necklace, I'd almost forgotten about those 'monstrosities' we'd wear around our necks (I had one too :)!). And the hand-me-down couch from the bishop--beware of sitting down on it :)! I think the funniest transition was from your cakes saying "Happy Birthday Elena" to "Happy Birthday Mom". All very cute! Happy Birthday again!!!
Brandon, WHO woulda thunk???? Thanks!
Anna, No new song, but I did get breakfast in bed. Toast, pink lemondae and Chex Mix; my funny girls.
Miki, You crack up! Thanks for the comment. Yes, Kate and I are pretty much identical as babies. It's fun to look at our pictures side by side.
Jennifer, Beware the bishops couch! It just midht swallow you up, or you might sit on a dead bird burried in the cushion from the dog. (Remember that?) I never even thought about the cakes saying my name then mom, how funny!
Holy Kate!! Happy Birthday!! Have a fun day, and take yourself to lunch or something.
Thanks Amber, I will. Infact, I am coming to Blackfoot for Melina's!! Mmmmmm...
Happy Birthday Elena! I loved the pictures! Every one of them! And yes, that hair....just like your girls. I hope you have a great day!
....I'll have to start collecting pictures so I can do the same in a couple of months. That was fun!
Happy Birthday Elena! IT was so fun to look at your birthday pictures over the years. I think in each one I could see resemblance to your mom and your little cuties. Have fun at Melina's...yummy! Birthday's are so much fun.
Happy Birthday!!!!! Loved the pictures!! Especially of Kate...I mean YOU!
Happy happy birthday Elena dear,
happy days will come to you all year....
HAPPY 32! You and my hubby are the same age!
Happy birthday!!! So fun! I also cannot believe how much Kate looks like you as a little girl!!-Amazing!! Hope you have another great year!
Ah you are still so cute! Some of those pictures of you really look like your girls. :) Happy Birthday to my dear cousin 4times removed! Ha!
Lee Ann-Yes, please do this for your birthday. I would love to see your growing up pictures.
Becky & Kaylin- Thanks again. Yes, I guess I have a strong gene.
Emily- I think I remember reading that about your hubby on your blog somewhere. I just think of him as older than me cause he has such a cool job. I still consider myself young I guess. :)
Thanks for the birthday wishes Rachel.
Julie- Good thing we're such "close" distant relatives! :)
hmm, am i imagining this or do i remember your beloved dog ramming a dead bird beneath that couch cushion. you lived in boise then, didn't you?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY LENES!!!
Fur- Yep, good ol' Happy brought in that dead bird and tried to bury it under my couch cushion. I was so traumatized by it I can't even remember if I was home alone or if Jaromws there to discard of it! NASTY!!!!!
Oh Elena, I wish I had looked at this while I was on the phone with you. I have a comment for nearly every picture! Your baby picture looks so much like all of your babies with the great hair! The first birthday---it's KATE!! Oh my heck!! Spittin' image. What memories looking back at your 5th birthday! Yes, I see Natalie, Melissa, Michelle, and is that Clint Summers? Wow, you have really taken me back today! What fun! Your mom looks so cute in those early pictures! And thanks for that great picture of me! Ugghh!! :) You know, I think I WAS at your 5th birthday party. Wasn't in that white brick house? I have a memory of a party there with "fluffy bunny" or something like that. . .Anyway. . .
Happy birthday to my favorite older sister!!! Nice homage to thine self. At least I made it in to one of them (the one where Natalie Huls is stealing all the glory).
Natalie says Happy Birthday too!!!
Can we come to your party if we bring our own hats?
Angela, maybe you were there. It was in the white house. And the one person you left out is Joseph Covington. Crazy huh!
Quin and Natalie- You can come even if you don't bring your own hat. (Cute card by the way, thanks!)
If you don't think your birthday card is funny, wait until after 10:00 pm and read it again.
Quin-That was funny enough in itself. I am already laughing!! And the clock says....10:37. LOL!
These were fun. I KNEW that little Kate looked just like you! I remembered you as the prettiest baby I had ever seen! I think you were born shortly after your folks moved to Iona.
Funny that you should remind me I missed Joseph Covington. I looked at the picture again just before I read your comment and came up with his name. Wow! Blast from the past! Wonder what they're all up to?
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