Saturday, December 13, 2008

Snow Shoveling for $3

Halle and Alyssa have been conjuring up a business for about two weeks now. They had all their little friends in on it too. When the snow came, they were going to offer their services of shoveling for the big pay off of $3 a house. Alyssa is like her daddy, she had worksheets all made up on who was to work which days and when, what their delivery lines were to be ("We'll do this as a service, but if you want to pay it'll be $3."), and all the other little importance's of owning a business.

I didn't have the heart to squash her hopes so I made a deal with her. She had to shovel our walks first to see if she could even hack it and THEN she could continue with her snow shoveling money maker.

I woke to squeals of delight this morning when the girls saw that the walks needed to be shoveled. Then came the banging, crashing, and mess making sounds of kids finding snow clothes. And off they went to show me just how little I as a mom know. They could shovel walks; easy peasy.

I peeked out the window and this was the scene that greeted me:
I guess shoveling walks was a little harder than they thought it would be.

It was much more fun to make snow angels.


Lisa said...

how funnny! do you think they'll try this little business again next year when they are bigger and stronger?!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

I love it!!! We got the same storm and our driveway got about two rows done before the kids gave up.

Thanks for all your great thoughts about SB. I did go to school and glare at the kid, long before I read your comment. Then next week Grandpa is going to go meet him for lunch. I am hoping that with the teacher now aware of those kids and their game she is not so easily decieved.

Tamie said...

they weren't TOO dissapointed, were they? that is really cute though. i'm sure that you had a good couple of chuckles while watching them and sipping your hot chocolate, eh? :)

Deanna said...

That's great...the spreadsheets and snowangels. How sweet!

Anonymous said...


Jennifer P. said...

I pulled that "trick" on my kids last year! I was so stinking buff from all the snow shoveling I did last winter!!!

They still look cute as can be all pooped out :)

ClancyPants said...

Cute little entrepreneurs... or not so much...

Wendy said...

Elena you have a gift for capturing the everyday moments! I loved the pictures and the story.

Happy Winter!

becky ward said...

i wonder how they decided on the price of $3. funny girls!

Mama Williams said...

I hope they keep that enthusiasm as teenagers. Very cute!

Unknown said...

I feel their pain! I HATE shoveling walks! It is a true workout, plus trying to work in all those clothes...yea, I would've been on the ground too! Good for them for trying!

Lee Ann said...

You're a smart momma! And that is so stinkin' funny!

Natalie and Quin said...

Ha! So funny! I would pay them $3 just to see that!

LouandAngela said...

That is classic! Thanks for sharing!

Brenda said...

What smart girls! They are going to make millions one day!! Loved the blog about your ornaments, I am sentimental like that as well! Great Idea!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

They are so cute! And I can only imagine how hard shoveling snow must be. Never had the need to shovel any. I'd love to just see some snow. But...I have some leaves your girls could come and rake!