Friday, December 05, 2008

Christmas Garland

Okay, just one more quick post today. As you all know, I am NOT a decorator. I'm scared to death of doing anything. I want the outcome to be absolutely perfect. And because of that I don't do anything. But Nester (I think I secretly have a crush on her.) has inspired me once more (the first time was my plates) to be brave, be imperfect, and just try to do something fun and pretty. So here is my first ever attempt at making a Christmas garland for my mantle.

These pictures really don't do it justice. You can't see all the fun details, but I'm pretty excited about it. I'm trying not to dwell on the fact that the center and sides are not perfect. And that I can't close my cupboard doors now that the stockings are hung. (So the t.v. is in constant site. Oh who am I kidding, those doors are never shut.) But I think it looks classy and fun all at the same time, if I do say so myself. I am sure there are those of you out there who could do it a million times better than me, but still, I'm just proud that I did something. Oh, and honest to goodness, I spent no more than $20. Bonus!

(And Jennifer P., did you notice my homage to you? Animal Crackers? )


Unknown said...

I love it! Will you do mine now? I have a really hard time spending money on Christmas decor. BEFORE Christmas because I know I can get it soooo cheap after!

Your kids are sweet and cute and so much fun! I love that you record the funny things they say...FUN!!

Jewelle said...

Awesome job Elena! It looks fine, I can't see anything wrong with the sides or the middle!

Tamie said...

looks great---good job at stepping outside of your comfort zone....i was watching oprah today and got some GREAT ideas for decorating....they are all the O Home Magazine

Janelle said...

Good on you! And congrats on your winning- how cool is that. I was at Enrichment last night and a sister was talking about another Utah store- V chocolates- that is a must- never had them but I want to now.

Jenn said...

Way to go. I have the opposite problem. I can't stop decorating. My house is so covered with decorations it almost looks like someone threw up Christmas all over my house.

Wendy said...

Hello fellow perfectionist! :-) So proud of you for jumping in and doing this! It's beautiful!

Lee Ann said...

I think it's great! I'm so with you girlfriend. And yesterday, I too made something. I decided it just won't be perfect, but really most people aren't going to notice. Just me and I need to get over it. You go girl!

Mama Williams said...

Yeah!!! Elena Decorated! You'll keep getting better and better. Watch for ideas to incorporate, just like the garland. Isn't it so satisfying? :)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I love the garland! And I am most impressed. You are getting to be so crafty :-)

And you must tell why you hung animal crackers from your garland...

The CEO said...

LOVE IT! Very fun. I'm proud of you.

Decor To Adore said...

So cute!

The Nester said...

It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful!

You did good!

Anonymous said...

Your garland turned out great!

Miki said...

It's so funny to see these posts after we talked about them in great detail. Good job.

What I love most is how real you are with your audience, "who am I kidding, those doors are never shut." it.

Anonymous said...

love the animal crackers hung on there!