Monday, January 29, 2007

"I did a penguin!"

Look closely at Carter's cheek. He sliced it open the other night when he fell on the ice. He was out sledding at my folks' and came in crying. When I asked him what happened he said, "I did a penguin!" Of course I, the sympathetic person I am, started laughing and said, "You did a penguin?" To which he tearfully replied, "Yeah, I fwipped on the ice."


becky ward said...

Poor Carter! But, so cute.

LouandAngela said...

:) I think I would have laughed too--since it doesn't look like it needed stitches! What a cute kid!

Elise said...

Ouch! He is such a cute little "fwipper". :)

Anonymous said...

I want to know if the "Penguin" was an actual penguinesque type belly slide.