Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Rumors are Flyin'

When the girls got home from school today I asked them what stories that had heard about last night's exciting events. The stories were HILARIOUS and reminded me of all the exaggerating when I was a kid. (There was a "haunted" house that everyone SAW ghosts and burglars in all the time.)

One boy swears he threw his football from his bedroom window at one of the bad guys.

Another kid says a bad guy came to his door all painted in red so that it looked like blood.

Somebody else knows somebody who's door got knocked on.

And they go on and on. It's so funny to hear kids tell their own versions of what happened, when in all likelihood these kids were all in bed asleep and didn't hear about it until this morning.


Emily said...

So funny!

Miki said...

Isn't it funny how we all want to "be a part of the action" as kids?

Now, as adults, we just know better...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making yourself known! I love reading the comments of all of Elise's friends - she has a million of 'em, right? I don't think I've met you, but aren't you related to Becky Ward? Is your husband Justin's bro? Come and visit with Elise sometime with your fam. I have a killer grammuh room!

Elise said...

Ooh, I hope one of them says he saw Superman come in a help the cops. Now that would be cool.

Elena said...

Emily- Yes, hilarious, gave me a great chuckle.

Miki- Sometimes I think adults still don't know better.

Marilyn- Hello! Yes, I am Becky's sister-in-law. And yes, Justin is Becky and Jarom's brother. We would love to meet you someday.

Elise- Ooh, Superman would be great! Maybe some leprachauns popping out a wee bit early too. (I saw some of those when I was in 2nd grade under the bleachers.)

Jonathan & Rachel said...

That is too funny-I'm sure the kids are still talking. It is for sure a scary situation! That is why we choose to live in Phoenix and not IF-the crime is just too high there :).

Elena said...

Rachel- You are hilarious!! Gald you were able to move to safer part of the country. :)