Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Lemonade Slurpers

Find some stick candy. (I had to get this from a candy store.) I think the best flavor is peppermint, but my kids also like grape or strawberry.

Get some nice big lemons and roll them all around on the counter. Get them nice and squishy. Then wash them off.

Cut a small slit in the peel. I think a V shape works great.

Break a candy stick in half and shove it in the lemon.

Give the lemons a good squeeze (the more you squeeze, the more juice you'll get), then suck the juice up the candy stick.

Tastes like a gourmet lemonade! Try the peppermint, you won't be disappointed.


Jewelle said...

What a neat idea! At first I thought it would be way sour, but the more I think about it, I realize the candy sticks would make it nice and sugary. I think I'll have to con my mom into sending me some candy sticks from See's so we can try this out!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

How cool. I have never heard of doing this...and we are going to have to try it!

(Me...I'd be looking for a lime or a tangerine stick :-)

The Manwaring Family said...

Yum. What a fun idea!

Mama Williams said...

How in the world did you come up with this idea? Looks fun!

Allisyn said...

What a fun treat...

CB said...

That is really clever! My youngest would love that :D

Lee Ann said...

Brillian! Where did you come up with that?

Elena said...

I got this idea from a family reunion I went to a few years ago. They served these and I loved them.

"The Queen in Residence" said...

I have not had one of those in like forever. You are making my mouth water for a treat like that, what a great idea.....off to the candy store......

Trish said...

I want to be your kid pleeeeeeeze!

Trish said...

Oh, heavens! I love it! The picture possibilities on this one would are endless, too. I'd love to see Emily's take. ;)

LouandAngela said...

Yum, yum, YUMM!! Gotta try it!