Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Things That Make Me Go Grrrrr

The tree is empty and ready to be put away FINALLY. Or is it? Nope it's not; there's one last hidden ornament hanging on the tree. How did I miss that? Now I have to pull the stupid ornament box back out to put away one measly ornament. Drives me CRAZY!

Or how about this entire scene from the bathroom that I've grown so accustomed to seeing over the last month, I didn't think to put it away. Does anyone else do this? Does anyone else HATE putting away the decorations? Mine never come down before Jan. 1. I like a tree for New Year's, but after that I just struggle to make myself do it. Even though it feels so good when it's done.

AND (this doesn't make me go "grrr"; it'd make me go "yaaaay" if I won), want a chance to win an I-POD Touch? Go here and get signed up. And while you're doing that check out the rates to see if you could benefit from a refinance.


Jewelle said...

We have an odds and ends decoration box just for that reason! It is still sitting by my couch even though we finished taking down the tree on Saturday!

Anonymous said...

You are your mother's daughter, what can I say? lol

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

We do that every year. I have a box in my entertainment center that we just stick things in. And hope we remember to check in next Christmas...

Mama Williams said...

Grrr is right when that happens. That's why I leave up all my snowmen through January. Plus I love them!But I have to have my husband go thru the house and find any other decor that I missed.

Miki said...

I JUST looked into refinancing today to see if we could benefit from the great rates. The packet is coming in the mail today. How do you do that? How do you think like I think all of the time...and we're SO DIFFERENT!!!

Lol at your ornament again. Mark took it all down this thorough Mark that you want to hear nothing of or you'll likely growl at him (for being so Mark and package perfect that is). I don't know how he does it either. It's a head shaker.

Is it sad that I ask what an I-Pod touch is? I think I know....I know what an Ipod is...but an Ipod touch? Notice I spelled it three different ways? I think it's that thing you can "touch" to select different thingy's. Okay...I dunno.

Wendy said...

(blush) I haven't put my decorations away yet! Oh, wait...I mean...LOOK at all those Christmas things I FORGOT to put away! Tsk! Tsk!


It's been a crazy week. Everything gets put away this weekend. Hey. Life happens...

Eakins Family said...

Hey Girl! You are a complete blogger maniac!! I need lessons!! Brittyn is off playing at a friends and Jeff is working, what ever shall I do? I'm going to workout first-it's been 4 weeks, i'm dying, then, hmmm, so many possiblilities! Maybe I'll work on my blog but it seems overwhelming to me. I wanna be like you!

Mimi said...

Ugh, I always have holiday decorations that I can't find.

They get left behind, so instead of pulling out the proper boxes to put them away I stick them in a "place where I'll be able to put my hands right on them." Only problem is that the only time I can actually put my hands on them is in July. In December, nada!

lee ann said...

I ALWAYS leave something! I've learned to not actually put the boxes away, just leave them in the garage, because I always have something else to add to them later. GRRRRR!

Jennifer P. said...

I put all my stuff away on Christmas day. Pretty pathetic! But my lights are still up. I didn't put them up and i'm not sure how to get them down. Hoepfully I won't grow too accustomed to them :)

Nichole said...

I'm totally winning that iPod Touch~thanks for the link I've been dying to get one. I need a distraction when I'm jogging to relieve the boredom. Your Barbacoa Pork looks to die for!!! I found a Christmas ornament too, hanging on my front door know! haha

Tonya said...

I do feel your pain about the Christmas take down. I don't know the Christmas scene on the toilet could give grandma something to look at while she doesn't sit on the seat. LOL