Monday, January 05, 2009

Is it Monday or What?

You know you're going to have a "day" when you start out by trying to put Desitin on your toothbrush instead of toothpaste.

Seriously, why do the tubes have to look so similar in the dark?

Oh, and go enter Kat's final giveaway. It's a doozie!


Wendy said...

LOL! I think everybody has to do that at least once. :-)

I went over and got in on Kat's giveaway. Comment #263. Think I'll win? Yeah, right!

Good luck to you!

Mama Williams said...


Keys to the Magic Travel said...


And I suppose that is why things like desitin. And neosporin. And such are in a drawer. And my toothpaste is in a cup.

But then again, I have children who like to rearrange things. Now I have to be more vigilant.

Deidra Smith said...

for some reason i'm having trouble getting my comments to stick on your blog. i'm sure your editing them out because of all my terrible language:) Anyways i tried posting yesterday and i was just curious did you smell the desitin before it actually reached your mouth? ewwww!

Unknown said...

Yes, it was Monday! I had a dewsy myself, but we live and learn right? At least your teeth wouldn't have gotten chaffed (is that a word?)

Mama Williams said...

Shall we start calling it Monster Monday? Manic Monday? Messy Monday?

Miki said...

LOL!@!! I haven't laughed out loud like that at a bloggy post in a while! So funny! I'm so glad you actually caught that it was Desitin before you "caught it somewehre else (in the mouth)!"

Oh yuck!

I swear, one of these days, you and I are going to write a script of "mommyness" and go down to the local open mike at a comedy club and make people's days. This material is just too good.

Miki said...

Yes, I get to have the microphone. Why does "open mike" look just wrong?