Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Boy, did you all deliver with the questions! You are some crazy creative people. I've loved reading all your questions and I'll get to them, each and every one, but first let's hear a little shout of joy for the return of Idol.

I love this stupid show! And how about seeing cute little Jason Castro again. I really ended up liking him last season. Don't know how I'll feel about the brother, but I enjoyed seeing Jason and his nasty locks again. And I want to know if anyone else cries when the contestants receive their golden tickets. I am such a boob. I tear up EVERY time! What is the deal? (Of course I used to cry watching people win on Price is Right too; I think I have a problem.) Then they go and hit me with the whammy of Danny (was that his name?) and his recently lost wife....good grief.

Anywho, I can't wait for the ball to get rolling and the actual competition to begin. Although, the try outs are the only part Jarom watches with me, so I guess I'll go ahead and enjoy my Idol time with my hubby for a while longer.

Now, on to the first question. I'm starting with my mom's question (a.) because she's my mom and you should always start with your mother, and (b.) because it's rather pertinent for today.

What were you doing at this time 33 years ago? I'd really like to know.

Well, 33 years ago today, I was entering this big ol' world for the first time. I'm sure I was feeling rather ripped off to be forced out of my toasty warm place that I had over-stayed my welcome in by a week. I can only imagine the thoughts forming in my mind when the cold blast of air hit me. But here I am now, 33 years later ready to take on the world. And with 33 years behind me, I hope I'm a little more wise to tackle that task. Watch out world, Elena is here to stay.

I feel like a newly engaged, giggly girl again today too. My hubby surprised me with my wedding ring all shiny and new. I lost a diamond 2 1/2 years ago and haven't worn it since. (You may recall I wore a mood ring for the longest time, until the thing turned my finger green.) Its SO fun to see something sparkly on my hand again. I really am married to the best gift giver in the world. Thank you Jarom!


ClancyPants said...

I'm first cuz I'm the craziest late night girl you ever did see!!!!

HAPPY BIRRRRRRTHDAY, Elena!! I've only known you since November 22, but I feel like you're my twin. ;) Oh the joys of FBCHat and of secret clubs. I'm going to interview you for my book. But I'll give you an alias. You will be Bathsheba. Or you can pick your own name if you don't like it.

You're a rockstar and I'm so glad I've met you.

<3 Clancy

Jennifer P. said...

I'm here to steal some pictures of you for a birthday post---but I got a little teary eyed seeing Jarom's gift to you! How perfect was that ?!?!

And I want to ask a question too!!!......If your house was on fire and you could only save one of your children, which one would it be? NO WAIT!!! THAT'S A HORRIBLE QUESTION ;)!!! Let's ask that if your house was on fire, and everyone was out safely, what 3 things would you save?

Happy Birthday Buddy :)!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Happy Birthday!! Love the ring.

And now to the crying. Oh and Jennifer P's question. Sophie's choice is a lovely crying movie, too.

I usually don't tear up at idol. Mostly because I am full of such cynacism about everyone else :-) And the guy that lost his he not the cutest? And he looks like Robert Downey Jr.

Wendy said...

Happy Birthday, Elena! :-) I hope you have a wonderfule day; it looks like you're off to a great start, though -- what a beautiful ring, and a what a sweet hubby! ♥

Trish said...

They say it's your birthday! We're gonna have a good time!
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you!

Yes we're going to a party party...

I would like you to dance
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance!

Hope you have a great birthday, Elena!!!

becky ward said...

hooray for birthdays, and hooray for idol!

jarom certainly came through this year. so fun to have your ring back! happy birthday!

Mama Williams said...

I knew you would love the ring more than a car getting detailed. That's what b-days are for. Yea! for American Idol. I've got the whole family hooked now. I only require my kids not to cringe too loudly at the bad singers. LOL!

Tamie said... sparklies for your B-day....that would be a perfect gift for me as well---Happy Birthday!

Jewelle said...

Happy birthday! What a sweet husband to get your ring done for you! It seriously feels weird not to have one on. Yours looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I will wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY too, even though you sure took your time coming into this big ol' world. I still love you!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, lady! I am not far behind you (3 more days) does 33 feel? I can't believe it! I really do feel like we are still in high school sometimes, but then I go to the games and such and what little tiny children they are!
What a sweet birhtday surprise! I love your ring all sparkly and new! Have a wonderful day...

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, lady! I am not far behind you (3 more days) does 33 feel? I can't believe it! I really do feel like we are still in high school sometimes, but then I go to the games and such and what little tiny children they are!
What a sweet birhtday surprise! I love your ring all sparkly and new! Have a wonderful day...

Nichole said...

You say it's your birthday! It's my birthday too....just kidding. But that song popped into my head. Have the happiest!!!

Tonya said...

Happy Birthday...I love your ring.. Do you think Jarom could buy me one to replace the one I had that was stolen in our burglary? hehe That cracks me up I had no idea you were wearing a mood ring. It sounds like your day is off to a fabulous start.

Plus how could it not be... On Sesame Street today, Fabulous was the word on the street. Yes I know deep television. LOL So enjoy!

Our Family said...

Happy Birthday from the Farnsworths!! (This is Tiana). Ok, I thought you might like to know that I've been doing a bit more blogging. After seeing you blog though, mine will look pathetic! :D Anyway, check it out sometime. Tell everyone hi!!

Allisyn said...

Happy B-Day.... I hope that you enjoy your day. I love your blog, and thanks for all the great information that you so willing share with everyone.

Janelle said...

I want to wish you happy birthday too!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!

Deidra Smith said...

Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great year and what a good way to start it off with your ring back on your finger. Yay for Jarom!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and that Jarom and your kids have more fun in store for you. Enjoy your day.

Deanna said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! What a fun post!!!

Miki said...



Miki said...

Oh man! The short little I's messed up the pattern, and I swear I had more y's at the end!

Anywho...happy birthday Elena. In case you haven't read Becky's blog yet, I'm making a different pattern at every blog that's wishing you a happy birthday. Here's my latest and greatest attempt. I could make it all sappy....but psha, we're good, we're good.


Dawnyel said...

I was on my way here to wish you a happy birthday, and here you've announced it yourself! :)
Happy birthday, and yay for the's so PURTY!!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

Happy Birthday lady!!!! So glad that you get to share it with so many bloggy friends of which I am honored to be one.

I love me some bling for a birthday even if it is old bling new again. What a sweey guy!!!
Have the best day ever and only 33 - such a young'un.

Carrie said...

Stopping by from Jennifers blog. Happy Birthday!

Natalie and Quin said...

Yay!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!

Miki said...

WHA???! WAIT? Is it MY birthday? Did we get all mixed up? Music on Elenas playlist is SUCH A ME!!!!! OH HURRAYYY!!!! lol...

I can't beleive I finally get to hear your music choices, right out there in the open, without happenstance interfering. Did that make sense? Did I spell anything correctly? Anyway, I meant it's nice to get a feel without randomly hearing you say, "oh, I like that song..." every once in a blue moon.

You know what else I like? I like that it doesn't automatically play. How did you do that? Of course you would figure out these techy things first! I've had mine for forever!

Anyway, I'm off to listen to all of your music choices. Ooooooh, I feel like it's so personal....almost too much! Invasion coming on....

It's Elena....I have to remember it's Elena....she likes to share and it's okay.

Ohhhh, lots of songs I recognize from Emily's blog. I've been wanting to add, "Shake it Like My Sister Kate" for a while. I'll see if you have that one on your list (and no, you're not a copycat, in you one).

Happy B!!!!

Miki said...

Yes........I remember you saying forever ago that your music tastes were a lot like Emily's.....

See? I feel like I called you a name or something.

Okay.....I'm going to drop this now....

Lee Ann said...

Happy Birthday!
So sorry I missed it! I didn't check a single blog yesterday! GASP!!!

Hope you had a great day!