Thursday, November 15, 2007

The party!

Halle won a party at the craft store Michaels. The kids all got to paint little treasure boxes and played a few games. They even sang "Happy Birthday" to her over the intercom. It was the easiest party I have ever thrown. I just got to sit there and watch while the employees handled everything (even clean up!). Thanks to my sister-in-law Deidra for entering Halle's name into the birthday party drawing that allowed us to have the free party!

The whole artistic crew with their lovely hand tattoos. A really nice guy would try to draw whatever the girls wanted with markers on their hands. (Why do kids LOVE to draw on themselves?)

A fun little game where they all ended up sitting on each other's laps.

Halle wanted a cake "with a kid drawing 'Starry Night' (by Van Gogh)." Uh, okay. So I thought and thought about how in the world I would do that, and finally I found the artist Barbie set and used it as a cake topper. I had planned to tape a picture of Starry Night on the easel, but as soon as Halle found out that she could stick stickers on it herself, she was completely satisfied.
What a great birthday Halle had. She got so many neat gifts from everyone and has just had more fun tonight. She hardly ever stays up past 10, but tonight I had to drag her away from all the toys/crafts/computer games to send her to bed. What a cute kid I have!


Jennifer P. said...

Fun party! Way to go on the cake--very cute. Hope Miss Halle has a great year ahead!

becky ward said...

Looks like a great party! I love her cake request...what a funny little thing. But, you did a great job! Very creative!

PS Can't wait to paint your basement tomorrow! (;

The Manwarings said...

What a fun night! The girls had a blast. Still trying to get the marker off, though. Ellie couldn't believe it when she walked outside and saw that it was dark. She thought it was pretty cool that the party went until nighttime. I thought it was pretty funny. She must have forgotten that it gets dark earlier.

Lee Ann said...

Looks like fun! How in the world did she come up with her cake theme? Too fun.

Side note. I was just thinking that since it's "such a small world," did you happen to know Amy Marshall? She's from IF, LDS, and graduated in '93. Just curious. She's the Amy on my blog list.

Unknown said...

Hannah would completely freak out to have a fun party like that in a craft store. She is definitely my "artsy" child!

Anonymous said...

Lee Ann--I don't recognize the name Amy Marshall, but I went and looked and she looks a lot like a kid named Brian Marshall that I used to hang out with. He went to a different high school than I did so maybe she did too. I graduated from Bonneville. And who knows how Halle picked her cake theme, she's come up with some doozies in the past. (like a black bat)

Elise said...

I love that cake! Halle is such a little smartie with that clever request. I love it. And what a great (and easy, even better!) party!