It's been spring break over here. Although it should really be renamed "winter break" with the nasty weather we've been having. 50 mph wind gusts, snow, the works. Unfortunately this meant a lot of staying inside.
Here are a few of the random samplings from the past week:
- HOURS of play dates with friends.
- Bags of junk removed from several rooms in the house.
- A few rounds of Hullabaloo.
- Hours of Pizza Palace on Webkinz. (Uh, me...not the kids.)
- A few good books read (Junie B. Jones, Harry Potter, and The Thirteenth Tale).
- A viewing of Monsters vs Aliens (pretty cute, worth seeing).
- Wii party with cousins.
- A zit the size of Mt Everest on my chin. (Seriously, it looks like I'm growing a second chin. Not to be confused with a double chin, which I already have grown.)
- And church today where we silently laughed hysterically (shaking in our seats, tears running down our cheeks, and desperate attempts to not snort) at Carter wearing two left shoes. (Both brown, but two different pairs non-the-less.) This following last week's episode of Kate making it to church in her light up bright pink tennis shoes.
It's been a very fast long week. Did that make sense? I'm sure all the moms out there understand perfectly well. I'm ready for school to start again tomorrow, although with the howling wind and icy road conditions, I wouldn't be surprised a bit if they called it a snow day.
LOL! Sounds like you guys had a blast!
Too funny, Elena. Your everyday adventures are so fun to read. Sending you a cyber-cocoa as I shiver right along with you guys! What happened to sun and flowers and spring?
Your shoe story and my shoe story at the same time... Makes me giggle.
lol!!!! I laughed to most picturing you laugh/crying...and then to discover why (I laughed right out loud). Oh goodness! lol...
ALLLSO...I just got kicked off of webkins playing Pizza Palace. I was doing SO GOOD too! I'm now getting into lever 11,12, and once in 13!
WHEW! I can't wait to beat the socks off of those other champion mommies with their 79000 scores!!!!
Jarom....YOU HAVE TO TRY!!! At least ONCE!!!
I meant, "I laughed THE most" not "to most"...sheesh.
I am glad it actually wasn't our spring break yet, (although we took it anyway)! This weather is disgusting! Sounds like you had a lot of fun though and if your zit is missing a twin, it's over here on MY chin!
Oh ya, we all understand. We're just starting Spring Break here.
And you laughing, without making a sound....oh I wish I could have seen that! I did that once over something at church and the people in front of me thought I was very "moved" over something and crying. When I told them later I was laughing hysterically they busted up laughing as well.
Love the two left shoes!
I never even noticed your zit all weekend, and your kids just crack me up! I still can't get over Carter killing all of us in Mario Kart.
What is church if you can't get a laugh out of it now and then ;)?! A lady in the ward in California I went to last week came with one brown boot and one black boot on---exact same kind of boots, she just accidentally grabbed one of each color :)!
Hope you drove through the snow drifts and got kiddos back off to school so YOUR "vacation" could begin :)!
Sounds like you made the most of it! That's what we do in Idaho. We only had one good weather day but I do have to say we did not get snow over here on the West side of the state.
Unfortunately I can relate to your Mt. Everest except I have an almost double ear (what up?) aren't we past puberty yet??
I always wish spring break were in April and co-incided with Easter.
Have a good day and a quiet one with the kiddo's back in school.
Snow on spring break is just wrong. I think you should get a mulligan.
We have Spring break next week. And the junk thing...I am planning to clean out closets. Very exciting plans we have...
Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun just like us! Love that your girls bore their testimonies yesterday they are SO super cute! By the way we loved your try it Tuesdays - Marci made your yummy dessert and brought some over to us! So wonderful! Keep it up :)
Been there too!!! But it was me that went to church with my pink fuzzy slippers on. I wondered why my feet were so comfy. Still good for a laugh.♥
Sounds like a good week... especially the books.
Gert used to call Junie B. Jones, "Ja-Boons"
I can always count on a laugh at your place! Thanks for the spring break ideas, mine are home until thursday!! Have a nice quiet week!!
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