Wednesday, July 02, 2008

More Mysterious Images

Time for more mysterious images from my camera. I really do enjoy seeing the pictures that just appear on my camera. I can take all the pictures in the world, but seeing things from my kids' perspectives is priceless to me.

Are we watching Spiderman?

Why yes, I do believe that's a spidy hand going on.

And a lovely self portrait of the make believe Spiderman himself.

Mmmmm....cutting apples on the floor. No wonder we have ants.'s ghostie Kate!

And my all time favorite series of pictures from this latest episode of Mysterious Images (my mom's birthday party).......
Hmmmm...I wonder who could possibly be on the other side of the camera? (This is my niece Liberty, which means Halle was the camera-woman.)

Naughty children!!

"What are you doing?"

One bum....
Two bums.
And with that lovely image, we part. Until the next Mysterious Images episode, adieu.


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

That is hilarious. Katie has borrowed my cell phone before...and taken tons of pictures. Added wall paper. And even when you turn it on, it has a greeting that says "I love Zac Efron." I had no idea that my phone even had some of the capabilities that she has discovered!

Camille said...

Elena, you are so funny! I love this post! Your kids are most entertaining!

Deanna said...

Whose cute bottoms? I loved those pictures - I wonder what would happen if Tanner took pictures...but I don't want to find out! Great post!

Emily said...

THe bum pics are HILARIOUS!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

That was so good. It makes you think about all the things that your kids do that you do not get to see later. Love the new banner for the blog, so creative.
Happy 4th!!!

The Manwarings said...

Boy, that last bottom sure was cute!!

Jennifer P. said...

Those are so funny! Maybe I shouldn't yell so much when my kids even breathe too hard on the camera :)---just to see what they'd take pictures of!

Bum photos.....classic!

Anonymous said...

Kat- Isn't it amazing how much smarter our kids are with our electronic gadgets?

Deanna- My mom and me. Aren't we just beautiful? (To quote Lilo.)

Queenie- Where've you been? Thanks for the compliment.

Amber- :P Who knew I had such a great wedgie going on.

Jennifer- Well, these fun pictures do come with a risk. Supposedly my camera is tucked safe in my purse. That's why these pictures are always so funny. I have NO idea they've taken them.

stevie kay said...


Nichole said...

am i a control freak? i don't think my children have ever gottn a hold of my camera. ...i don't think...better check

Jewelle said...

Funny, funny! It cracks me up what kids think is picture worthy!

Trish said...

Okay, so I've been reading your blog for months.....but not sure if I've ever commented!!

This post i hilarious! I always have pictures like that on my camera but have never thought of posting them her. I just may have to steal your idea.

We also just got that verysame trampoline yesterday (GI JOES?)

looks like fun!

I will try to no longer be a lurker.

Elena said...

Trish- Hi! Feel free to steal, I would love to see what your kids thing is picture worthy. And we got our tramp at Sports Authority. Don't think we have GI Joes around here.

Jonathan & Rachel said...

I love this! So funny-as always!!

Mama Williams said...

LOL! Busy kids.

Debbie said...

Oh Elena...I am cracking up! I too have mystery pictures but never thought to post them...that is really really funny!

Lee Ann said...

That is so funny Elena! Must just crack you up to see what they're doing. Love the apples on the floor....and the bums too!

Miki said...

Yes, laughed right out loud. You saved the best for last...the bums! You are so brave to post

I can't wait for the next installment of mysterious photos. I still think of the Alyssa/Kate tripping over shoe incident. Just so funny.

Elise said...

Ha ha ha ha ha!! I LOVE it!