Thursday, July 17, 2008

Whoa! Dude, I'm Trippin'!

Poor little Carter had to have some dental work done yesterday. He has an extra front tooth (the dentist calls it F plus) which makes for some serious crowding in his teeth.
Extra tooth + Crowding = Cavities. The dentist decided that we should slightly sedate Carter and just get it all taken care of, plus the work was on his front teeth which are extra sensitive and sometimes traumatic for little kids.

So off we went at 7 am to the dentist office. Carter drank the loopy drink (some form of valium I think) and about 10 minutes later he was higher than a kite. I tried not to laugh at him, but it was hilarious.

I was reading a magazine and a page came up with a Mustang pictured on it. Carter is WISE to the Mustang. His daddy has trained him well. Anyway, Carter kept saying, "Whoa, wook at dat Muthang." (His poor speech was so slurred.) And he kept trying to grab it off the page. He had all sorts of hallucinations. He was wearing his hat and kept asking me what was on his head. He saw "bugs", "rainbows", and all sorts of things that I couldn't see. At one point he asked why the wall was moving.

On the ride home I turned into our neighborhood and he said, " Whhhhhoooooaaa! (Just like a surfer dude.) What are those things?" He kept trying to grab some bits of invisible somethings out of the air.

When we got home he wanted to walk by himself, but he couldn't and it frustrated him so badly. (He looked like a cat fresh from the vet after being fixed.) He just started bawling. His emotions were all out of whack. He'd bawl, then laugh, then ask why there were two t.v.s. Poor kid, he was so confused, but his teeth are fixed.


Miki said...

OOOOOHhhh, LOL!! And I didn't want to!

Why, or why must I constantly laugh at the hilarious, hilarious way you write things!!!! I tried not to in lieu of poor Carter's situation, but the further you talked, the more I laughed, with my hands covering my mouth! Oh man...

I hope Carter feels better now...poor kid.

Jennifer P. said...

I am trying soooo hard not to cry while I read this but I am laughing sooooo hard!!! Do you think I would get arrested if I gave some of that to Liam, just to be amused for a while :)?!

Funny Carter!!! Hope he's alright now!--at least you know he could never use drugs without your knowing!

Anonymous said...

Haha that's hilarious. I would pay money for a high like that while I got my teeth worked on. . .well maybe just for the heck of it. At least it's all done. Yahoo!

Lee Ann said...

Oh my goodness that is funny! Love the cat I can picture it :-)

Deanna said...

Poor little Carter! THat is so sad - yet I'm's so funny!

hope he gets to feeling better!

Jennifer Jamison said...

So besides the sweet hallucinations, did he have any pain? How long did it take for him to "come down" from his "trip"? :)

Anonymous said...

And you didn't even bother to videotape these trippy hallucinations? Where is your sense of duty, Elena?

Jewelle said...

Poor carter! it must have been really funny to watch though. It probably one of those mommy moments where you don't know whether you should laugh or comfort the poor kid!

becky ward said...

i feel dizzy just reading about it. poor kid!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

Poor Carter - I hope that he is alright, sounds like he got a extra dose of funny juice.
Thanks for sharing in the trauma of having children, if it is not the ER then it is the dentist at our house. Too much fun.

Elena said...

Miki- Don't worry, I laughed too. And so did the dentist.

Jennifer- It was quite entertaining and disturbing all at the same time.

Natalie- You know there are street vendors out there that might sell to you. HA!

Lee Ann- Jarom was so confuesed by my cat comment. He's never seen a cat still drugged up. Glad someone got it.

Deanna- He's feeling fine now, thanks.

Fur- Nope no pain. They didn't even end up having to numb him. And he drank the drug at 7 and by 10 he was jumping on the tramp back to his normal self. We went to McD's for lunch and actually ran into the dentist. It was pretry funny.

Dayne- I really should have. It was SO funny!

Jewelle- It was like a laugh and a hug all at the same time.

Becky- That's what he said. "I'm really dizzy." I hate that feeling, poor kid.

Queen- It's always something isn't it. So far we've been blessed with nothing serious though.

Jennifer P. said...

I just have to tell you that I woke up this morning and the first thing I wanted to do was come and read this story again! Hilarious!!!

The Manwarings said...

That is HILARIOIUS!! I wish you could have recorded it. Poor guy, though, I hope he's feeling better. I think that's one of the funniest stories I've ever read.

Brenda said...

I wish they would have done that for my daughters cavaties! Sounds like the way to go! Even if they do get a little crazy! Glad it over, stuff like that can always stress a mama out!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Hilarious! And I totally get it...having checked on a cat at the vet while it was still loopy.

Elise said...

This is SO FUNNY!! Poor little guy, but I can't believe you didn't just roll on the floor laughing! It kind of makes me want to drug up my kids just for the sake of a really funny blog post... is that cruel? :)

Kellie H said...

Just wait until you tell him about this in a few years! Wait...I don't think that'll work with the don't do drugs lecture lol!

Poor guy...but hopefully his teeth are all good now =)

JandK Manwaring Family said...

Wow. I wish they'd do this for kids at the doctor's office before having shots. I'd rather have my girls a little "high" than screaming and bawling for several hours straight :)

Camille said...

LOL!! I'm laughing so hard, I'm starting to act a little "loopy" myself!

LouandAngela said...

Oh, I'm glad his teeth are fixed, but what an adventure for such a young guy! Kinda scary to be so loopy--but I can certainly see the humor in it!

Camille said...

This will go down for me as one of my all-time favorite blog posts! Too fun to read!