Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What do you name?

Over at Peterson's Go Public yesterday, Jennifer hosted a Q&A session. A funny topic of naming things came up. For instance, some people name their homes, others name their furniture, and then we have the car naming people (myself included). So I thought I would throw the question out there to all of you. What do you name? And what is it named?

I am a car namer. EVERY car must have a name. I've had:

Bertha (may she rest in peace) a 1976 Chevrolet Caprice Classic, my first car and my ride all through high school. Can you believe I don't have a picture of faithful Bertha? Update: I found a picture! Bertha is the red car in front of me.

Peter (Can't find a picture of the full outside, so here's the inside of Peter.)

Clark WAAYYYY in the background. And yes, I am shoveling poop off the sidewalk. Don't ask.(Technically neither Peter nor Clark were mine, they were Jarom's, but I named them so I claim them.)

I should also mention my little brother's Totelerone. A beauty of a pickup; manure green, rusted out floor, the whole works. What a great little pickup

The Smurf-mobile What a great college car my little Geo Metro with blue coordinating hubcaps was.

Blue Thunder While on the topic of college, I also had a bike that I LOVED. Good ol' Blue Thunder, and my room mate had Purple Rain. Sadly they were both stolen a week after we bought them.

Sophy, Our first new car. (We had a VW Jetta in here somewhere too, but I hated that car so it didn't get a name. We also had a car we inherited from my dad's farm. We affectionatly called it The Beater. The exhuast pipe had a hole in it that made exhaust come into the car so we had to drive with the windows down. That thing went through more oil than it did gas. And I almost forgot our Chevy Mini Van, but we just called it the van. )

Jarom's mustang is Sir Henry.

And trusty Dixon is our latest edition. Don't forget Sacajawea pulling up in the rear.

What do you name?


Miki said...

Again!! I am up with you late at night, and I laugh at your fun post. I don't name a n y t h i n g!

Mark, however, names everything. You know the nickname he gives me. I'm not sharing it here. It will be misconstrued to mean something it doesn't! It's innocent, innocent fun I say!

Anyway...Camille is our little "squincher" because she squinches up her nose when she smiles. Megan's nickname is "pillow". "Hi Pillow" Mark will always say in the morning to her. When she was very little, Mark would pretend she was a little pillow for his head, and "take a nap". He did this to all of the kids, but the name stuck with her. Ryan used to have a nickname, but I don't remember what it was. I think it was "Ry Guy", but I'm not sure.

Cute idea.

becky ward said...

i don't really name anything. in fact, i have a hard enough time naming my kids. i love that you name your cars though! this post brought back oh so many memories.

Miki said...

P.S. I forgot to say that I loved all of the pictures from your "car history" of you. It was fun to see how alike even our car history was. I started out with a '76ish Buick. Soooo embarrassing. It had the fins and everything.

Brandon and Emily said...

Not only do you name your cars, but they are creative names!! Too funny. We don't name anything around here, but with the number of cars we've already had, maybe that's a good thing.... Or maybe it would make us get more attached?

Lee Ann said...

Oh that is so funny! I have named things along the years, but not that faithfully.

My first car (1984 buick skylark...brown) was Betty. Brown Betty.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I don't name anything. Now I'm feelin' like that might be a strange thing. That I don't name anything. should hear my kiddos naming the kittens they think we are going to get...

Elena said...

Kat- I can relate to your girls. I've named MANY a cat and dog and bird myself. Even the strays that wandered through our yard had to have a name. (And you can NEVER repeat a name.)

Dawnyel said...

I LOVE the names you have! (And what a blast...seeing you and Jarom from YEARS ago!)
The only car I've ever named...and probably the only thing I HAVE named....was my 1971 Pontiac Bonneville: The Boat. It was HUGE and it felt like we were floating in the middle of a lake somewhere when we were driving it!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

I have named my much desired vehicle, "My Prescious." I waited so long to get a nice car that when I got it that is what I called it. We all have funny nicknames for the kids and I think that sometimes they do not know who is talking to them cause I call everyone "Honey".

Jennifer P. said...

My 1983 Chrysler E-Class was named Cain because it was soooooo evil!

Anonymous said...

The blue geo was named Samson. It was even on the title, and the red one was Leo.

Anonymous said...

Kade- That's right! I had totally forgot about that. I just called the blue one Smurf-mobile so much that's what it was to me.

Elise said...

I love this!!! I have had a few named cars-- particularly "MAHANA" (which also had personalized plates) the 1968 Avacado green Cadillac I drove in high school. That car seriously got 6 miles per gallon. No lie.

Right now we call Chris's little red kia the Ute Mobile, which only sort of counts.

Elena said...

Elise- Mahana!!! SO perfect for an "ugly" little car! Too funny.

LouandAngela said...

Ah, Big Bertha, Peter, The Smurf-mobille--such memories! Remember sliding off the road and hitting the pole in Big Bertha? :) It's fun to think back. . .

Josh & Joni said...

You are such a fun person - you make me laugh!