Yes, it's Tuesday, and yes I do have a recipe to share, but first I have a couple of movie reviews for you. (And I want your opinions on them.)
First up Batman...
WHO in their right mind said it was okay for Christian Bale (aka Batman) to talk like that??!! I couldn't even take him serious. Every time he opened his mouth I busted up laughing. (By the way, I haven't seen the first Batman. I didn't even know this was a sequel until my BIL told me, so I don't know if Batman talks like that in it too, but I hated it.) Heath Ledger (aka Joker) on the other hand was fabulous. So creepy! Such a bummer that he's gone because I have a feeling I would have been a huge fan. Over all it was a good show, pretty dark and not really for little kids. If you can get over Batman's idiotic disguising voice, then I say it gets 3 1/2 stars.
Second Mama Mia...
Yes, we had a GNO (Girls' Night Out, learned that from the Hannah Montana 3D concert.)last night and went to the 10 pm show. Waaaaayyyy too late for me to see shows like that. After 10, everything is EXTREMELY funny to me. Anyway, it was very cute, lots of great music. Who knew Meryl Streep could sing like that? And how about hunka hunka Pierce Brosnan? I've loved him since I was little and he was Remington Steele. The show made me want to sing a long and get up and dance. It's a little bit cheesy (as musicals often are) and I didn't like it nearly as much as I liked Hairspray. But all in all, I give it 3 1/2 stars too.
Okay, enough movie talk. Let's get to the real purpose of this post, Try-It-Tuesday!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Easy Carmel Apple Dip
I got this recipe from Julie @ Shep's Herd several years ago. I don't even know if she remembers giving it to me, but I love it and am sure glad I got it.
8 oz cream cheese
1 to 1 1/2 c. brown sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
Mix it all together until soft and creamy. Serve with apples, or any fruit you like.
It tastes a lot like carmel. I could sit and eat just a bowl full of it without any fruit.
Posted by Elena at 12:32 AM
Labels: recipes, Try-It-Tuesday
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hey, i went to both of those movies with you! how lucky am i?! i really didn't LOVE the first 30 minutes of mamma mia...but, it certainly got better! too bad theater 9 wasn't as empty as theater 14! good thing someone brought it to our attention we were in the WRONG place! HA!
I have seen both Movies and Love, love, loved them! Did a girls night out and saw Mama Mia last week- no it wasn't that it was late and you were laughing, it really was laugh out loud funny in parts. But P.B. Singing- ick! He stinks as a singer, but is very handsome for an old guy. All of my GNO group wants to head to Vegas now and see the stage show! Wouldn't that be a trip!
Becky- I know, we really could have had a good time in theater 14 all by ourselves. What dorks we are!
Julie- Yes I should have said I could have done without him singing. Looking at him is enough. :) He really isn't a good singer. Poor guy.
I have not seen either of them, but I so want to see Momma Mia. I have a friend that saw the play in Seattle and she said it was so great. Batman - he does that voice and it is so awful, he should have just lowered his voice not done the argh voice. I agree with you on that one, it gets on the nerves after a while.
I almost forgot TIT for me is Stroganoff - yummy stuff!!!!
Your dip looks yummy! I will have to try it! My recipes this week are: Fiesta Rice and Fajita Chicken Quesadillas
I've heard that there's some pretty disturbing stuff in Batman---and yet I see it advertised all over my kids' cereal and fruit roll ups. I'd like to see it though. Heath Ledger's performance in "A Knight's Tale" is one of my favorites--so I bet he did great in this too!
And now I might have to call up a girl and go see Mama Mia. My good friend Heidi is 10 years older than me, so she actually LIVED through Abba and would probably appreciate it :)!
Boy--I'm rambling today. Better make some fruit dip to give me something other than typing to do :)!
Elena--oooooh, apple dip looks very good. I thought the Momma Mia promo's looked questionable..but since everyone is clammoring, maybe it's alright?
Jennifer--if your friend doesn't pan out for Momma Mia, maybe that could be our first movie? I know Mark will DEFINITELY not want to see that We'll see if it makes it to the cheap theatre in time.
I love Abba! I actually took both of my girls to see the stage show of Mama Mia. We had so much fun. And all the sex stuff compleltely went over their heads. We just love the music. And we amused all the women who were there for GNO that I was bringing up my girls with ABBA.
I went to see Mama Mia for my birthday. And it was fun (I like the stage version better) - and it really didn't matter that Pierce couldn't sing. And to me Julie Walters totally stole the show. I'm sure that I'll go and see it again...and I never do that.
We haven't seen Batman yet...but I am sure that my hubby will make me go...since I dragged him to Mama Mia. I really liked the first one. And I don't remember the voice. Now I'll be thinking about that when I see it!
And once again, I forgot TIT day...
That caramel dip looks wonderful...can't wait to try it.
P.S. I a lurker from Shiner's House of Fun. Great blog!
Crandall Apple Pancakes
Look yummy!! Thanks for the movie reviews. I plan to see Batman with Lou and Mamma Mia with a girlfriend of mine. Sounds like a good plan after reading your review.
I am so jealous of your GNO. I think the only time I do the GNO thing is when I'm with you guys-- which is not often enough! BOO!
Sadly, I can't comment on either of the movies, but the apple dip sure looks tasty! One of these days I will actually make dinner on a Tuesday night, and then I'll post a recipe! I'm thinking sometime in November...
Haven't seen Batman but let my teenagers go to the 12am showing on opening day--they liked it but I hated waiting up for them!!! Mistake!
Loved Mama Mia, laughed, cried, laughed some more. Took Kayla (15 yrs old) She wasn't too impressed. It is true that Pierce can't sing but when you look like that who cares!
Can't wait to try the Fruit Dip!
OH, wasn't Mamma Mia a crack up? The Money Money Money song had me crying I was laughing so hard... it was sooooooooooo funny.
We were advised by our bishop to skip Batman because it was so "dark". Weird?! I guess he walked out. I didn't really want to see it anyway.
Your recipe looks really yummy!
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