My sister-in-law had her 5th child and 5th daughter over the weekend. So on a whim yesterday, a few of us girls, all needing to get our hands on and smell a brand new baby (Nothing on the planet smells better!), jumped in the car and took QUICK trip to Logan to meet little 7lb 2oz Izzy, Izzie, Izi, Izzi (Not sure how they'll spell it yet.) She's just adorable and it was a lot of fun going on a whim.
Look at those cheeks and that hair! So cute!!!
So alert and taking in all the crazy new aunties.
Is there anything more precious in life than a brand new baby straight from heaven?
After we each got a much too short turn of loving on the baby, we went to a Sports Grill for dinner. Little did we know that it was the final game of March Madness. You should have seen this place packed with men.
It had full on couches at the tables and a GIANT screen t.v. And with a game as close as it was, you can just imagine the hype in the place. It was actually quite fun and the food was good. I am sure all our husbands would have been jealous and thought we didn't appreciate the place nearly enough. Hopefully my sisters-in-law will get their pictures posted so I can steal a few from them. (Hint hint.)

After we each got a much too short turn of loving on the baby, we went to a Sports Grill for dinner. Little did we know that it was the final game of March Madness. You should have seen this place packed with men.

There is nothing more precious than a new baby. So fresh straight from heaven and you can feel the spirit so strong when you hold those babies. I know why you drove clear to Logan to hold that baby. I am a weak one when it comes to babies. When my babies turn one I am ready for another one. They bring such and sweet spirit into ou homes. I am glad you got to go see that new baby.
ahh, you got some dang precious shots of that little izzy! so glad we went. what a great time!
So sweet! Congrats to them! Makes us very excited to have our new baby!!
how precious! sounds like you had a great time!
I vote for Izzy, it doesn't look as similar to jacuzzi as the others. You know how we feel about jacuzzi's (em and brandon).
P.S. I was noticing that you don't have any music. Let me tell you why I bring this up. First of all, I'm curious as to what kind of music you would post. Also, sometimes I snoop around and find blogs w/ great music and I let it play while I do my homework. Point being I need some soundtrack music and so do you -win/win.
What fun! I Love new babies and spontaneous trips! Good for you guys for going. I wish I had family closer to do things like that with :-(
This post just makes me smile and cringe for you all at the same time due to our basketball conversation.........uhlll.
I was glad you got to hear my reactions to the lovely lovely lovely (yes, this baby deserves three lovely's) picture of the new lovely baby. Ohhhhh, so sweet. That hair. How do you guys do it? Just beautiful.
Lastly, I think, and laugh again at your picture in Becky's blog. Just so funny. Fellow commenters who read other people's comments (guilty) should check it out. It's worth a peek.
Sweet photos! What a doll baby!
Congrats! What a fun day! I love spring...we just had 2 new babies born on Sunday in my neighborhood.
What a cute, cute baby! Babies are just cute, but this one is definately a ten even in the baby catagory. How fun. It makes me very anxious to be at that stage! 13 more weeks (it sounds so short yet so long still).
If they get tired of that baby, they can send her my way! What a beautiful girl! Glad you got to have such a great time out with the girls!
Natalie M- (Wow, so many Natalie's these days!) I don't have music cause Jarom hates it and made me promise I'd never do it to my blog. Sorry to dissapoint you, but if I did have music I just know it would be GREAT! :)
Everyone- Yes, she is a little doll. I am wanting to drive back again and hold her now! :)
Jarom hates it!? what a fool, jk. You just need to stroke his ego and tell him he would pick the coolest music. It is kind of funny that he doesn't like it though -ha!
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