Sunday, February 21, 2010

Winter Fun

First we scrounge for winter clothes in Grammy's coat closet.

(He looks like such a punk in the picture. It cracks me up.)

Then Grampy fires up the tractor and everyone piles on the sleds.
Even the dogs join in the fun.


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

No wonder you are jealous of our green coming up out of the dirt! How much snow do ya'll have on the ground? Maybe I should just keep to myself that we are all in short sleeves with the 65 degree temps today. Yep, I'll keep that to myself ;-)

Mama Williams said...

Ya gotta love Grampy! Your kids are going to have the best childhood memories!

Lee Ann said...

looks like so much fun! My mom also has lots of snow clothes. She never gets rid of them....good for those impromptu snow times!

Tonya said...

Looks, fun! Wow you all have had a lot of snow too. I remember Grandpa and David pulling me on sleds in Blackfoot. Fun Times