Today is a special day for me. I get to be part of Debbie's Blog Around the World travel itinerary. I absolutely love this blog. Monday through Thursday new blogs from all over the world are featured. It's like going on a vacation right from my office, each and every day. And the fun things I've learned... oh, it's just so great. (I don't know how Debbie keeps up with it, I have a hard enough time remembering to get my Try-It-Tuesday posts up on time.) So today, I get to say WELCOME to IDAHO!!

Some people think Idaho is a native American word, but nope, somebody, somewhere, sometime ago just made it up. "I da ho? Whatever, YOU da ho!" (yep, it's an on going jr high joke.) Story has it, that when Idaho was being considered for a new territory, a man George M. Willing suggested the name "Idaho" which he claimed was derived from a Shoshone language term meaning "the sun comes from the mountains" or "gem of the mountains." He later claimed that he had made the whole thing up. But for some reason "Idaho" stuck.
I was born and raised in Idaho and have never lived anywhere else. I've lived in Eastern Idaho, and Western Idaho, but never Northern Idaho. You NEVER hear the term Southern Idaho. (Southeast, yes, but not Southern.) It's really like three states in one. Western, Eastern and Northern Idaho.
You might be surprised to learn that Western Idaho has beautiful springs (I LOVE the flowers), very hot summers (triple digits) and fairly mild winters (Oh how I miss those dry roads!).

Eastern Idaho's winters, on the other hand, seem to last 9 months of the year, and are very cold (I've personally seen it get to -30F and even colder with wind chill) with a lot of snow.
But the other 3 months of the year are absolutely worth waiting out the deep freeze. Summers in Eastern Idaho are the most gorgeous around (if I do say so myself). The majority of the time we have highs in the low 90's/high 80's and by 7 pm, it cools off to a perfect 72 degrees. It is windy here, but I enjoy that fresh breeze that constantly blows.
There is a lot of farming done in Idaho. Everything from wheat and barley in Eastern to mint and onions in Western. But the thing we are most famous for is the Idaho potato. And you wouldn't believe the things you can do with a potato. Baked potatoes, fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, potato pancakes, potato donuts, even potato ice cream.

Now, if potatoes don't interest you, maybe television might. Did you know that the first t.v. was invented right here in little 'ol Idaho? That's right, in a small town not 20 minutes away, Philo T. Farnsworth invented the first completely electronic television. Now what would we all do without that?

I am blessed to live in an area where Jackson Hole, WY is 2 hours one direction, Sun Valley, ID is 2 hours another direction, and Yellowstone National Park is 2 hours the other. The famous Grand Teton Mountains can be seen on your way to Jackson or Yellowstone. And they are absolutely breath taking on a clear day. (Did you know they've found evidence of coral reefs near the top of the 13,000 feet high peaks?)

We don't have an accent in Idaho (None of us ever think we have the accent, it's always the other guy right?) but we do have a few words that are unique/common to the Idaho/Utah area. These are the few I can think of right off: "awright", "you guys", "fer", "heck".
Ah what the heck, I'll close now by saying that I hope this post was awright fer you guys. Come back to Idaho some time for a visit and be sure to drop me a line when you do.
Wow, cool, neato mosquito- I'm your first commenter. Do I get a prize?! I lovethat last picture- so beautiful. And to be close to so much natural beauty is an awesome thing. Thanks for sharing.
What? Where's Idaho? Don't you mean Iowa? HA :)! Loved your post Elena! I think it's funny that we both picked up on Idaho being like three different places.
Hope you get lots and lots of comment lovin'. And I LOVED all your pictures!!
Yep, I've been there, but only to Norhtern Idaho. It is so beautiful.
One time we were camping at lake Pend Oreille. We got there late one night, set up out tent in the dark and woke up the next morning to disover that we had set up on a huge hornets nest. Good Times!!
Have fun on your BATW day!
cool! i've been to idaho. a long long time ago. great post!
greetings from japan.
Happy BATW day!!! I have never been to Idaho, but have always wanted to see that part of the country. Thanks for the tour!! I love the recipe for Ribs. I will have to try that sometime!
BTW - I have a Carter, too!! He is 5!
Elena...you are killing me! That was so much fun to read!!! I had a smile on my face the whole way through....and I learned so much. I never ever knew that IDAHO was so diverse! You and JP are the only two people I "know" that live there, because before Boise State played spoiler in the BCS a couple of years ago, I didn't think anybody really lived there. ;) And you were worried your post wouldn't be creative enough...pishshaw...it was more than "awright" it was fantastic! XOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXOOOOXOXO
So you're the face behind that pretty "E" picture I see on so many blogs! Well...nice to meet you! And I've never been to Idaho...'til today!
Huh... never would have guessed the TV was invented in Idaho! Just figured it would have been Los Angeles or Hollywood, maybe NYC or Chicago, even. Well you learn something new every day, right?
And I love me some potatoes! Any which way, doesn't matter to me... fried, mashed, roasted, baked... my fave veggie!
Sending some Love from Lousisana. Enjoyed reading your post and love love the pictures. Much Love
Beautiful pictures! I've never lived in a place near mountains. (North Carolina does have mountains a few hours from where I live, but compared to the Rockies tehy are more like hills.)
That is some kind of potato.
Loved the post. Awesome job.
Congrats on your feature at BATW.
Potato Ice Cream? I'm not sure how I feel about that. I think I may need to investigate further. Thanks for the tour!
I spent most of my teen years sure I was going to go to college in Idaho. Then a well-meaning person talked me out of it. It still makes me sad. And all these years later, I still haven't made it out there yet. Thanks for the tour.
Thanks for sharing, beautiful pictures and family... it is so weird for me to think there are people who have never lived in a different state, than their own in America...and here i am in Hungary... ha ha. Wow. You must love it and thanks for sharing about your state and beautiful family!
Congrats on your day. Thanks for the tour. You have a very beautiful family.
Loving Idaho. I have only been to Idaho once for business. I loved a store that was all about potatoes and discovered a new treat! Chocolate covered potatoe chips, sweet and salty perfection!
The seasonal pictures are beautiful as is your family!
Love the photos and the tour! Isn't BATW a wonderful opportunity to network and meet new friends? I've got Recipe Week going on over a my place this week, so please drop on by. It must be amazing to live with all that natural beauty around--not to mention the Giant Baked Potato--all the way!
Oooo potato donuts? Now that sounds almost intriguing enough to eat. Is this something that one can make from home or only found in certain places in Idaho?
Thanks for the tour of Idaho. I feel refreshed, as though I have been on vacation! It is awesome to see other people's part of the world!
Great post! You have such a cute family & I would love to come visit Idaho sometime (for real)... I hope you enjoy your BATW day!!
My husband would stroke if he knew how close you guys are to Yellowstone, I think he wants us to pack up all of our belongings and become crazy mountain people there. If only we didn't have to work to pay for things.
Thank you for opening your bloggy home to us!
Thank you for the tour of Idaho -love the joke by the way. Congrats on you BATW day!
Happy BATW day!!
Idaho looks like a nice place to live! Glad to have made the tour! Hopefully I´ll be sharing my world soon, too! It´s just a little bit different....
I don't want to burst your bubble but TV wasn't invented in Idaho. Philo Farnsworth was just born in Rigby. He then moved to Utah at a very young age and invented it there later on. Rigby totally misrepresents itself on that. Idaho and Utah even got in a fight over it many years ago. HOwever, I really liked this post. You made me think about Idaho in whole different way. Maybe a little more grateful way! The winters make me ungrateful for this place!
elana i don't think that you idahoans have an accent (even if napoleon dynamite makes it seem as though you all do--my SIL hates that movie b/c of the sterotypes--she's from St. anthony) and i can say that without malice b/c i weent to ricks and my dad is from st. anthony as well---and i loved being in idaho. and unlike jennifer p... i have been to your area of idaho and it is very pretty..although i could do without the frigid wind a freezing temps in the winter...honestly, when you've left, you forget what it is like until you go back and have the unfortunate opportunity to experience a rexburg winter yet again.. lots of memories brought back of good times! glad that you shared and i'm glad that i finally got over to your spot, after seein gyou lots of places. :) (i'll stand by you with philo farmsworth...idaho has to have something other than pototoes to stand on!)
Idaho is beautiful! The mild summer temperatures sound wonderful and a nice change from our hot and HUMID neverending Alabama heat. Thanks for the tour!
"Awright" Jewelle- To be technically correct the image was transmitted in California (so neither ID or UT can really claim it) but he was born in UT and moved to Rigby where he sketched out his thoughts. So I say Idaho gets to claim it. :) You crack me up.
Wow, so pretty. I never knew.
Love the big giant potato!
Thanks for the tour!
AAHHHHHH!!! LOOOK at this! This is so great! It's your blog around the world day! Good for you, and of course, ending the post in terrific Elena humor. I LOVED IT.
I also learned a thing or two. Jr. High humor that my son will learn will not take me by surprise now. I will never forget that. Oh, that's sad. Dang name.
And what? Sayin' "yer" isn't the norm? lol....we're funny.
Bye Elena...yer friend, Miki.
OOooh, this is so fun. You could just sit at your computer all day and watch the comments come in!
Thank you Blog Around the World.
You're not going to get anything done today after all of the running up and down the stairs to read all of our silly and wonderful comments!
Have fun....
Miki- If ONLY I would actually get up and run up and down the stairs. I haven't even moved my rear end off the office chair this morning. I can NEVER do this again. Although it is SO much fun to see all these comments and see where everyone is coming from.
That was such a great tour of your state! I never knew how beautiful Idaho is. Your summer weather sounds perfect!
Have a wonderful day!
Oh my heck! (LOL) It was so great to meet you and visit your blog. I hope you're having lots of fun on your BATW day.
Your neighbor to the south
Greetings from Wisconsin. Congratulations on your BATW feature. I hope that you enjoy your day in the sun.
Idaho is one state I have not visited physically yet. Thanks for the beautiful pictures and the new knowledge:-)
Happy BATW day, Elena. I love potatoes!! Potato ice cream and potato donuts? Wow, that is a new one on me. Your family is just lovely. Thanks for all the great info on the gem state.
I've never been to Idaho, but you totally make me want to go there!
I'm not big on super cold winters, but I love the snow, and your summer weather sounds perfect.
Just had to say, Philo had a rather large forehead.
I have never heard of potato ice cream!
And what do you mean heck isn't a common word?!?!? I say it evreyone in a whlie. but then again I also freck sometimes too which make my husband laugh.
I laughed so hard at your jr.high joke. (never heard that before) And potato ice cream?
Thanks for the tour of Idaho! (visiting from L.A.)
I have to say that I love Idaho. Well honestly I have only been to Cour de Lain. We lived in WA for 5 years and this was one of our favorite vacation spots. There aren't words to describe it's beauty!
Thanks for the tour of the rest of the state!
Thanks for the tour. You've got me craving a big bbq loaded baked potato now. mmmmmm :)
Hi from MA!
Thanks for the tour, but I do have one complaint.
Houseplans.com will now be eating the rest of my little ones nap time for the rest of the week!
So loving the story behind the name - that's AWESOME!!!!
THanks for telling us all about Idaho!!!!
Elena! That was great!! Thanks for the fun blog that points out interesting and fun facts about my home state!
What a great tour! Potato ice cream? That just sounds so wrong! Have you ever had any? Is it any good? This is just blowing my imagination right now :o)
I loved all of your fun Idaho facts (and the Jr. High joke? Loved it!) Thanks so much for sharing :o)
What a great tour! Potato ice cream? That just sounds so wrong! Have you ever had any? Is it any good? This is just blowing my imagination right now :o)
I loved all of your fun Idaho facts (and the Jr. High joke? Loved it!) Thanks so much for sharing :o)
My battle buddy from the Army is from Idaho. That's all I got for ya! It looks so beautiful there, though. and I LOVE snow. Id love it if it snowed here 9 months out of 12. But I live in Louisiana so that's far fetched. Love your blog!
Hi there! MS. Oklahoma poppin' in! I have a 3 yr old messing around all in my lap...sorry if there are typos...this is my only chance to BATW today...Great post! Your family is beautiful! I LOVE TO BLOG TOO :) Can't wait to read more...but really, this child is not making this too fun right now :( UGGHH!! Nice to meet ya!
Thanks for the great tour of Idaho.
Greetings from North Carolina! Thanks for the tour!
Western Idaho sounds awright. 9 month winters just don't do it fer this Southerner ;)
The picture is absolutely beautiful! I'll have to visit when we do our 50 state tour (which I'm just dreamin about right now).
i give that report an a+! nice work! and can you believe, as a native of idaho, that i had no idea how the name idaho came be to. thanks for the education!
and send some of your commenting bloggers over to me! heaven now i needs it! (;
I do love potatoes but potato ice cream? Is it all sweet? Thanks for the beautiful tour of Idaho. The state's pretty, your family's pretty, your blog, it's all pretty.
Way to go Elena. That was a lot of fun, and I'm sure all of the comments are just making your day! What a fun opportunity.
Hello from Louisiana via BATW! Nice pics. We have to deal with too much heat and humidity here, not sure I could handle all that freezing weather where you are :D
Thank your for the deliciously funny tour of Idaho. I now feel the urge to eat a large baked potato and watch tv. :)
Talk about some comment love! WOW! Congrats on your day. I loved all that you had to share. Esp. the potatoes! YUM.
Checking in from BATW, and greetings from your neighbor to the west in WA! We've been to Coeur D'Alene and have taken the kids up to Silverwood theme/water park too. Love Idaho AND its potatoes! :)
I may look at potatos in a completely new way now...
I've only been to the top tip of Idaho on a road trip back in '04. It was beautiful. Great info on the name! Happy BATW day!
Potato ice cream!?! Not so sure I'd try that one, but I do love me some potatoes ;o)
Happy BATW day!
I'm visiting from BATW and Georgia. I am from Utah so I know about the heck word. My famous saying is, "Oh my heck." I say that for almost everything, and here in the south they just laugh at me. I really like your blog, it is very informative. I would like to visit Idaho again.
Amy Kay ;)
Hi from Louisiana! Thanks for the tour!
I realized after I had posted that your post for today was not up. Not taking into account that Debbie lives on the East coast and three time zones away. I usually do my serious reading in my evening. Pacific time.
Thanks for the picture of Idaho. Have been through several times, but it is always through. On my way to Georgia or like my trip last week, to Montana. Crossed your beautiful Northern 80 miles of windy mountain road in the dark.
That is usually how I cross there. In the dark. I did manage to make the return to Washington trip in the daylight so I got to take in some of the beauty.
Hope your day was a really fun one, getting to know all of these fine blogger people.
Hello from WI! Hope you are enjoying you BATW day! Idaho sounds lovely. I've never been there but some hope to hit all the states. Thanks for the tour.
I finally managed to get over here and say hello on your day! And look at all these comments - isn't it fun?!
Love the tour of the state. Can I say I *love* potato bread. It's the best thing. But ice cream? Have you tried it? I just can't imagine.
That was fabulous! That is so amazing that they've found coral reefs in the mountains. Idaho sounds beautiful!
Thanks for the fantastic tour of Idaho! I never realized the drastic changes between the different areas of the state! Loved your pictures. Thanks for taking us BATW's on a tour! :)
You have a lovely state - I've actually visited the Northern part (Coeur d'Alene, Hayden Lake, Sandpoint) several times. I like it there lots!
Just visiting from BATW :-)
Fabulous!! I've only had the experience of driving through Idaho on my way to Washington. I learned so much about your state! And I have to agree with you that you are one lucky lady to live in driving distance of some of our countries great destinations!!
Visiting from BATW. What a great visual of your state. Idaho, like your blog, is beautuful. Thanks for sharing.
Excuse me, excuse me..whoa...watch where you're going buddy...Elena, it's a tad crowded in here and I couldn't be happier!
LOL...isn't this fun....
Hi Elena! Awesome post! We came out to Yellowstone this summer, and were amazed at how gorgeous it was. Didn't make it as far as Idaho, so I'm glad we could do it this way. It was nice to meet you!
i love idaho... i travel there for work 3-4 times a year... i'm with you on the winters... i was in idaho falls last december... wow!
Thanks for the tour of Idaho! I never realized there was such a huge temperature difference between the areas.
Elena--while you are finding your way through all these comments - can you email me so that I can get your your swap questionaire? My email is on my profile page. Actually it's not there right now - I am having Darcy do a little work on it right now...but it will be up momentarily.
I do! I do miss Idaho... specially, no snakes! But what I do not miss is winter!
Anyhow, aren't the Tetons grand? It's so magnificent beyond words!
From a former Idahoan (at least for 4 years!)
What a great place to live when you can go to other states so easily, and you have the big potato to take pics of-- cool!
Great post. My husband was born in Boise, Idaho, but left when he was a yaung child. Love that last photo..just beautiful scenery...
Love the flowers too! They are gorgeous! Don't know how you hang in there with the 9 months of winter thing. I've only ever lived in warm climates. You have a lovely family too, btw! Thanks for the tour!
woah. that's alot of comments.
Arriving a little late. Having only lived here in Idaho 4 months, I was happy to read all your info on this here state. We really like it here so far. It's a little more ... rural than I'm used to, but a great place to raise kids.
Glad you had so many comments. Thanks for visiting me yesterday!
I'm coming 'round a day late, but I'm here! Idaho looks beautiful! Those mountains are something else!
Greetings from California!
I am a bit late for the tour but I really enjpyed it.
Thanks for calling by my blog for the BATW tour. I hope you enjoyed your day as much as I'm enjoying mine.
The Grand Teton's are my favourite NP. I visited about 15 years ago after visiting my friend who lives in Yellowstone Park. Here husband is a ranger there.
I'm with you on the RSI. Worth it though for the blog crack!
Visiting from BATW...a little late
Interesting post! Never having been to Idaho, I didn't know much about it except that the capital is Boise and that you're over there by Montana... ;-)
Hope you enjoyed your spotlight day!
Stopping by a little late....but just wanted to say hey. Loved your post...Idaho looks like a beautiful state.
That was a very fun little tour! I would live in that barn in that last picture, just for the view!
Daja, from BATW
WOW- 90 comments and here I am adding my ramblings to them. What fun to learn more about Idaho. I do love it there and hope to make it home soon, again. We lived there about 5 years ago and loved it. It really is a best kept secret.
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