In just a little over a week it will be my husband's birthday. He always requests the same meal for his birthday dinner. Barbecued Spare Ribs and Red Velvet cake. So I thought I'd share the ribs today and maybe the cake next week. (Both I got from my MIL. Jarom always says that the best thing a wife can do is learn to make her husband's most favorite meal his mother cooked.) He almost didn't want me to share this rib recipe because he loves it so much. But my philosophy is that we should always share our best recipes. What fun is it if no one else can enjoy it? So I am begging you, please treat this recipe with respect and share it with your most treasured loved ones. Because they deserve something this good.
4 good size boneless country style ribs (pork are the best)
1 can tomato soup
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 clove garlic (minced)
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 cup vinegar
Brown floured country style ribs in bacon drippings or Crisco oil in a frying pan. Remove ribs and put them in a roasting pan. Mix the remaining ingredients in a bowl and then pour over the browned ribs. Bake covered at 300 for 3 hours. Remove lid and bake an additional 30 minutes.
This a sweet, delicious bbq and works well on chicken too. I like to shred up the left overs and have a rib sandwich for lunch the next day.
****If you have a tried and true recipe you'd be willing to share, leave a comment with the recipe title and post the recipe on your blog so we can all come and check it out. Thanks for playing; the more the merrier! ****
Well sure the meat sounds yummy, but now I can't get Red Velvet Cake out of my Tuesday please :)!
Of COURSE....another fabulous recipe. You're so willing to share! This Try it Tuesday has worked out GREAT! What a great idea.
I'm so glad you label your posts.
Cheesy Potato Soup. Thanks for the BBQ recipe, I cant wait to try this recipe out, I love BBQ anything :) Thanks for sharing
I love ribs. But have yet to figure out how to make them. I have tried them in the slow cooker - but they are greasy and gross.
So, here is my stupid question of the day. I know how to brown hamburger. But, how do you brown ribs? Is it just searing the outside, or do you cook them longer?
Yum!! We love the BQ recipe also!! Crepes is on my blog
Filipino Adobo (Nick style!)
Zucchini Bread
Where do you get your ribs from? WINCO? I am excited to try these!
Kat- You're right, just sear them to add a little crunch to the texture. They get really tender and fall apart. And about the greasy part, make sure you get lean looking ribs. There are some with quite a bit of fat and those do get really greasy.
Jewelle- You must have typed at the same time I did. I usually get mine from Albertsons. They seem to have the leanest ones and often times you can get them on sale for buy one get one free deals. I have gotten them from Winco before too though.
i've gotta try those ribs! my recipe is another treat- secret brownie cookies
Sounds yummy...I will write this down..My husband loves spare ribs!
Cute blog!
-Sandy Toes
Parmesean Chicken - yummy stuff!!!
Hi:)! The castle is in Loveland, OHIO!
It's something to see but the story behind it is even more amazing!
-Sandy Toes
OOhhh those sound so yummy! Maybe next weeks menu :-)
Mmmmmmmmmm, these sound so good! And I LOVe red velvet cake, one of my favorites! Enjoy!
I'm not a rib fan, but I ADORE red velvet cake! Very difficult to find here in New England, seems to be a southern thing.
Visiting via BATW!
i have a FABULOSO country style rib recipe, but I'll definitely try this and see if I have a new fave. if no go, I'll post my favorite cs rib recipe. FUN
Are you home??? You have some visitors on their way from around the globe....yoo hooo....
I love ribs, but my husband does not. Guess I could cook him some chicken while I eat these.
Gotta try it.
Sounds wonderful! I do my ribs the same way... almost... I bake them covered (in a roasting bag) 3hrs at 300, but I marinate them first for a few hours in italian dressing and then rub them down with Montreal Steak seasoning. After they bake for 3 hours I add the bbq sauce (I'm not as good as you though... I get mine already made up,lol) and slather them up and put them back in the oven uncovered for 30 minutes... YUM!!! Now I'm hungry! I'm going to try your recipe for sauce the next time I make them. Thanks for sharing! :)
That is making my mouth water! Any things that is BBQ is my favorite dish. Maybe I will give this one a try?!
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