Lee Ann had a such a great idea of introducing all her blogging buddies that I thought I would copy. (Hope you don't mind Lee Ann.) I am constantly wondering how everyone knows everyone else on their blog links. So here's how I know my WONDERFUL blogger friends.
Angela & Lou- Angela and I have been friends since 1st grade. We grew up together and went to the same church our whole lives. We went our separate ways when we hit college age, but we try to get together whenever we're both in the same town. I LOVE seeing pictures of her cute little family. She is who introduced me to blogging.
Benjamin & Kaylin- My brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Benjamin is Jarom's brother. Kaylin's relatively new to the blogging community, but I am so glad she has joined. I adore little Eli (new baby) and I can't wait to see new pictures of him.
Brad & Jennifer- Brad and Jarom were college roommates. Jennifer and Brad started dating during those years, so we've known them a very long time. We lost track of each other for a time, and then they moved into our ward when we lived in Boise. Our kids are almost exactly the same ages and it is always a good time when we get together. Since we moved to I.F. we haven't kept up with each other as well as I would like to, so the blog makes it SO nice to keep up to date with the Peterson daily happenings.
Brandon & Emily- Another brother-in-law & sister-in-law. Emily is Jarom's sister. She and Brandon live fairly close so we do get to see them often, but I love to see all the pictures online that I normally wouldn't get to see.
Brent & Shanna- Brent and Jarom served their missions together in CA. (It is currently burning down in many of the areas they served in. So sad!) Brent was our best man at our wedding. He married Shanna and we've tried to stay in contact the best we can, but it's so much nicer to see current pictures of what they are up to. (Especially seeing their cute little boy!)
Dad- It's how it sounds, he's my dad. He tries to update this site monthly for the scout troop that he is charge of. It's fun for me to see pictures of his outings.
Dawnyel- A friend from church. I am her visiting teacher (for my non-member friends this means I basically make sure she and her family are doing okay) and blogging has been THE BEST way to get my visiting teaching done. I know all the happenings at her house and it has made our friendship so much stronger.
Elise- She is actually my sister-in-law Becky's, friend from high school. I have always enjoyed Elise, and she even served at my wedding luncheon. Because of blogging, I now consider Elise a great friend.
Farnsworths- DEAR friends from Boise. They babysat Alyssa when she was 4 months old, so that I could get my student teaching done. (Free of charge, I might add!) We love them so much and consider them family.
Jed & Janelle- Jed is a friend from high school. Jarom and I used to belong to a singing group and Jed (and Angela from up above) belonged as well. We had lots of good times together and we all try to see each other when we are in the same town, (which isn't very often). I have never seen his little girl personally, but I love to watch her grow through his and Janelle's blog. I also love getting to know Janelle a little bit better.
Jonathan & Rachel- Jarom and Jonathan (we call him Johnny) are cousins. They live in a different state, so there is no way we'd get to know much about each other without our blogs. It has been really fun for us to get to peek into their lives so far away. Next time we see them, we'll feel like old friends and have so much to talk about.
Julie & Adrian- Julie is a friend from college. We both majored in music and had good times together during our school years. We also found out, that we are related. Distantly, but still, we share some blood. She moved to Utah years ago, we have kept in touch, but I am glad she finally started her blog. Again, I love to see the happenings in her life.
Justin & Amber- Justin is Jarom's brother. Even though we only live 30 minutes apart, I feel like looking at their blog has shed a whole new light on their family for me. My girls love their girls and love to see pictures of them on a daily basis.
Kade & Deidra- Kade is my brother. Their 3 kids are the only other grand kids (besides my 4) on my side of the family. They live about 30 minutes away (the other direction) so seeing pictures of them during the week is really fun for my family.
Kevin & Becky- Becky is Jarom's sister. I have loved getting to know Becky better through her blog. I have always felt pretty close to Becky, but this just gives us so much more to talk about. Plus, it's fun to see her cute little baby boys.
Lee Ann & Steve- Lee Ann filled my spot with my college roomies, when I got married. We really have only known each other vicariously through Jennifer (Fur). Although, she did mail me a yummy cheese ball recipe once. :) It's great to finally get to know her and her darling family through her blog.
Manwaring Web Solutions- Jarom's internet business that just keeps growing and growing. Woo-Hoo! We like the growing and growing part.
Michelle & Josh- Michelle was a college roommate my 1st year at BSU. We lost contact with each other and just recently caught up again. She just started her blog, but I am looking forward to knowing more about her life.
Quin & Natalie- Quin is my brother. They live in far away CA, so we only see them a few times a year. We love being able to see the fun things they are doing!
Ryan & Jennifer (Fur)- Fur was a college roomie and Ryan was a neighbor boy. Fur and I stayed close while I lived in Boise/Nampa. And I am so glad I have a way to keep seeing them now that I live in I.F.
I really do love my blogging friends. (You make me feel like I have a life. HA!) Thank you so much for sharing your everyday lives with me. It's the highlight of my day to read all about you! Blogging makes the world feel just a little bit smaller.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Why I love blogging!
Posted by Elena at 8:24 AM
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Thank you so much for that! I may just have to print it off and keep it next to my computer so I know who everyone is. Weird huh? But I just think this is way too much fun.
you make me laugh!!
I'm honored to rank #1 on your list! :) Ha! It's fun to hear who everybody is! Thanks for sharing!
Hey, that's pretty cool! Gotta love this blogging world.
Very nice! I know we all love to read your blog as well. That's a fun way to know who everyone is!
I'm behind in my commenting on this one. Thanks so much for the introductions though. It's nice to put a history to the names. I would make a list of my blogging friends but let's see, there's you and then there's YOU. My niece actually has a really cute site, but she doesn't want me linking it. Ah well.
I love blogs-- and I'm so glad you have one. It's one of my absolute favorites!! And to think, we would have just hear about each other through Becky every now and then-- how sad!
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