It's official, Halloween has started. Yesterday we donned our costumes for the first time and went to Boo at the Zoo. It was insanely packed with people and the candy the kids got was pretty dippy, but the zoo was decorated really cute and the kids had a good time.
Plus, by sheer accident, we saw a baby tamarin monkey be born. We noticed the other monkeys in the cage were acting really strange and then when we looked up, we saw a mother giving birth. How nuts is that!!!?? Of course my kids were freaking out that the other monkeys were going to kill the new baby and we HAD to find a zoo keeper. So when we found one and told them the monkey had just had a baby, they went running and when we came back to look again, they had closed the exhibit. are some pictures from our big day.
Carter the knight and Owen the cowboy.
Devils Alyssa and Halle, and Sully Monster Wes.
Little Tinkerbell (Kate) thinks she can fly, apparently.
Look how fun the turtle cage looked. There were pumpkins, lights, decorations, etc. all over the zoo. It really was quite cute.
Wesley enjoying a sucker.
"I vant to suck your blooooood!" Carter got these teeth at Boo at the Zoo. I totally loved these as a kid.
Later that night we got our pumkins carved. Such a stinky mess, but it's not Halloween without it. Here's a picture of me, just for Elise. :)
Alyssa and Kate both got right into the carving and cleaning process. Alyssa's pumpkin (as last years was) is a 3 faced monster. Of course Jarom and I have to help carve the faces and Jarom says her tradition needs to die until she can carve the faces herself.
Carter chose a ghost pumpkin this year. It's pretty neat to see it lit up. I tried to get a picture of the way Jarom was hollowing it out, but he hid his hand. He had to put a garbage sack around his hand and arm so he wouldn't get guck on him. HA!
Halle enjoyed carving the pumpkins, but hated the smell. She kept gagging and had to hold her breath.
Our completed master pieces. Don't you just love to look at a jack-o-lantern all lit up? So fun!
How cute all the kids looked! I can't wait to see the front of Kate's Tinkerbell costume.
I can't believe you guys carve FOUR pumpkins! We thought we were really wonderful doing two this year, and I don't know that boring one full of drill holes is actually considered "carving".
Have a great day and a happy halloween tomorrow!
Halloween is so much fun! Your kids look extra cute in their costumes. We don't get any of the pretty fall colors here, which is a little sad-but at least the kids can wear their costumes without coats!!
Ha-- I love Alyssa's 3-faced monster! Come on, Jarom, you can't kill it-- it's too cute!!
The zoo looks so fun-- I always loved the IF zoo.
And YAY-- a picture of you! Look how cute you are!!
Your kids are too cute! What great costumes. The pumpkins turned out fantastic. We sure miss you! Thanks for the update.
The Keeles
So fun! I love how Kate looks like she is actually flying.
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