This week Jarom had to come to Boise for HP, so the kids and I decided to tag-along and visit our friends. We have had a jam-packed week full of fun. Monday we spent the entire day with the Farnsworths and my kids couldn't have been more happy. When I told them we were going to Boise they were so excited. So I asked them what it was about Boise that they liked. The reply, "Getting babysat by the Farnsworths!" Kelani and my girls having a fingernail polish party. Talk about HEAVEN for my girls! Look at all the polish on the counter. Kate is just as prissy as the others; she'll sit VERY still for polish on her nails.
Monday evening we packed up a picnic of fried chicken, and went to Ann Morrison park to play.
The whole crew : Back row: David, Jarom, Kate, Ron, Jana. Front row: Elena, Malia, Halle, Carter, Tiana, Alyssa, Kelani
Tuesday was a day for swimming. We started out swimming with the Farnsworths in our hotel, then headed over to my roomate Jennifer's neighborhood pool. My kids swam for about 4 1/2 hours that day and still weren't tired of it!
After warming up to the idea of getting in the pool for about 3 hours, Kate FINALLY let me take her into the pool and even let me put her in this little floaty.
Halle in Jacob's goggles. I had to make a run to Target after this to get my kids their very own goggles to use in the hotel pool. You wouldn't believe what a good swimmer Alyssa is becoming and she is completely self taught. Put the goggles on her and away she goes!
That evening (Tuesday) our dear friend's the Petersons, made us a yummy dinner at their home. They have 4 little boys, and they are all about the exact ages as our kids. The kids all got along great and had a fun time playing together. That is, until mean little Kate knocked little James down on the hardwood floor.
Kate and James waiting for dinner.
I tried to get a shot of how cute Jennifer has decorated her house. It's just so much fun!
Wednesday (today) we drove out to Nampa and had lunch with a couple of my good friends. A visit to Nampa just wouldn't be complete without driving past our old house. It kind of twinges at my heart to see it.
Don't worry, I didn't actually come to a complete stop to take this picture. Hopefully the people who live here now didn't see me though! I felt like a total stalker. I really miss my big red plum tree and the cute little arctic willow tree I planted before I moved!
We go back to I.F. tomorrow, but not before we see the Eakins. So I am sure I'll have more pictures to post.
What a fun week. I'm so jealous. It looks like you have a lot of great friends to still visit. I'm looking forward to your next post. Cute pictures, too. That Kate is just so adorable.
Thanks for coming! I still can't believe how long our kids happily swam for. What a bunch of waterbugs... Did you guys get sunburned? I did a little... :(
Sounds like a great week! Seeing your old house brings back some fun memories. *sigh*
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