Sunday, January 27, 2013

Manwaring Family Reunion

Can you believe I am STILL back blogging from August?! So....a quick recap of the Gregg Manwaring Reunion.....from August.  Jarom and I were the hosts this year.  We decided to try to kill two birds with one stone and hold the reunion the same weekend as the extended Holley Manwaring reunion. We all got together at our house to make our reunion t-shirts and family flag in preparation for the Holley reunion.  We had a fun time in our backyard around the fire pit, but for some reason, I didn't get any pictures. (Seems to be the story of my life lately.)

  The next morning we all met at iJump.  Jarom and I rented the entire place out for our family exclusively.  I can not tell you how much fun this place was.  I felt like a little kid again.  And just about everyone (kids and adults both) learned how to do back flips and all sorts of tricks.  After jumping until we were sick (literally) we headed back to the elementary school by our house for a picnic and some fun water games.  (Again, no pictures.) It was really hot and we were all worn out from our fun morning.  We all separated and got cleaned up and ready to join in the fun of the Holley Manwaring reunion kicked off with an evening temple session.

Brett and Sue were our hosts this year.  They served a mission in Scotland, so we had a "Scotland Games" theme. Each family had to come up with a flag.  We decided to use our family tree as our logo for both our t-shirts and flag.

They had many fun games planned and I loved how kid friendly everything was.

Of course, there were a few "big boy" games as well. This log toss was hilarious to watch.  Ben was the ultimate champion.

There was plenty of lounging around in the shade and visiting and relaxing, which quite possibly could be my most favorite thing on the planet.
And the whole thing was accompanied by this bag pipe playing fellow.  I'm sure we were a sight to see and hear in the park, but we sure had a good time pretending to be the "McGreggors" for an afternoon.