We've been having Star Wars marathons at our house. (Trying to get a certain little boy prepared for a certain Christmas something.) We've been teaching him the difference between a Trooper and a Droid. And of course the names of all the other essentials. (I had forgotten how much I loved Ewoks.) After watching 4 straight hours of space wars (which btw, Halle thinks are much too violent as there is a death in "EVERY scene" - hence the word "war" but never mind) I hopped in the shower. I went to lather up and squeezed the body soap. It shot out with a "zhhhhooooop" noise and all I could think was, "Man, that was a pretty cool lazer gun sound." Yep, too much Star Wars for me I think.
I've also been reading "Ender's Game". All about space wars and alien battles. My mother in law lent it to me, knowing of my love for science fiction. She told me I was probably "just nerdy enough" that I'd enjoy it. LOL!! So funny, and sadly true. However, I can't say I loved the book. I need more character development than this book offered. But I liked it enough that I read the whole thing. (Currently reading "The Maze Runner" which I am loving.)
And lastly, I've laid to rest my beloved Krazer phone.So Sad for me. This has been the best little phone. I swore I would never get one of those fancy schmancy phones with all the bells and whistles.
But I succumbed to this little pretty.(Well Jarom pushed me out of the nest with a BOGO offer on his new phone.)The new Droid Eris. I'm gonna have to admit, it's pretty easy to use. I haven't answered any calls on it yet, (anyone want to call me?) nor, have I received any texts (anyone want to send me a note?) BUT, I have posted an update to Facebook with it! I'm still getting used to typing with my thumbs. (I'm the world's slowest texter I think.) I'm a pointer by nature, not a thumber, and it's taking a little time to adjust. It was awesome to wake up this morning though, push the on button and see the weather (-12) just like magic. Now I just need to name her. (And yes, it's a she b/c she has a pretty pink skin.) Any suggestions?
Tomorrow my blog will FINALLY look like Christmas. I swear, even if it's the last thing I do, my blog will have a new look!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
It's All About Droids Lately
Posted by Elena at 8:45 AM
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We are thinking about getting Katie a phone for her birthday. But I am having issues ratioalizing why she might need one. Other than to text her friends.
I have so many blog ideas floating around...and one is on one of my favorite science fiction writers. Though I do love Orson Scott Card. Have you read "The Lost Boys?" It's my favorite of his...
Good Luck with your new phone and all the star wars... I love the little bears too... I will have to text you.
We had to read Ender's Game in 8th grade, I am not so sure it was appropriate then, but I have wanted to read it again as an adult.I totally sympathize with the star wars thing. Before we were married Quin had me watch ALL of the star wars movies! And I am sure once Cameron is older I am going to be outnumbered and we will be swimming in star wars!
I am jealous that I can't be there teaching my nephew the ways of the force. I am skeptical at how much you and Jarom can actually teach him. And, yes it was a requirement for Natalie to see them. I can't wait to teach Cameron about it (he will prob not be into it at all).
My Katie is reading all the Ender books right now, *and* she named her phone. She is also a champion thumb texter. (I'm *so* proud. Not.)
Looks like you've got a kindred spirit! Have fun with all your droids, Elena...
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