Friday, December 18, 2009

Dance Recital

I can't let the month slip away (which it will surely do come next week with the whirlwind the holidays bring) without posting a couple pictures of Halle ready for her dance recital. We decided to switch from cheer to hip hop this year. She was s little sad in the beginning, but has since really taken a liking to hip hop. I think this girl would honestly love any type of organized class that involves movement.
She wasn't real excited about the idea of camo pants, but as soon as she saw how cute she looked in the outfit she changed her tune. This girl is so lucky, she's one of those people that can whip a ponytail in her hair, throw on a sweat shirt, and look like a million bucks. (I must also say, that I was VERY impressed with the enitre dance studio's outfits. No bare bellies or seductive outfits on 6 year olds. Very appropriate and modest clothing as far as dance clothes go. Always such a relief!)

She did great at the recital. Her class is a little behind due to some scheduling issues, so they didn't know the entire dance. I'm excited for the next performance in a couple of months to see how much they've improved.


becky ward said...

she looks like she belongs on sytycd doing a nappytab routine! (;

Lee Ann said...

She does look like a million bucks! Look at those eyes!

Amanda Rigby said...

She looks so cute and cool in her costume. Thats amazing that the costumes were modest. I went to a dance recital for a school that claimed modest clothing and no seductive dancing, that i looked at for evelyn. The costumes were way revealing and the moves that the group of 3 year olds had to do had people cat calling. I was disgusted. Thank goodness you found a good school for halle.

Tonya said...

Too Cute!

Grammy said...
