Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Grand Finale

Our last day at Disney started out with Jarom feeling even worse, Carter and Kate both in full blown sick mode, and Alyssa with a fever. Oh and don't forget I was blowing rusty colored snot. Is anyone tired of hearing about us being sick? Yah, me too, but it's not over yet.

We were supposed to hit California Adventures this day, but we just couldn't get moving. We didn't make it to the park until noon. No one felt like doing much and the lines were outrageously long this day. I guess that's what happens on a beautiful Friday.

Is this not the saddest little bunch of kiddos on a ride you've ever seen? They actually did like this ride, but just didn't feel much like showing it on the outside. After a few CA Adventure rides, we decided to skip the lines for the popular rides and headed back to Disney to do a few favorites over again.

We did try to see Bugs Life 3D but when a bug spit acid (aka water) on the audience Kate and Carter were out of there. Apparently my kids DON'T do 3D.

My poor kids would just sit on the ground in between rides. It was pathetic.

The line for Pirates was only 5 minutes so while Carter was sleeping on Dad's shoulder we got on a boat. Not before posing for a picture with pirate Sir Henry Mainwaring, a distant relative on Jarom's side (I'm not joking.). When Carter woke up IN a boat on the ride he FREAKED out and all but jumped out of the boat to get off the ride. We tried to remind him that he did the ride the day before and it wasn't scary. To which he replied, "Yah, but I didn't want to do it TWICE!" We got him calmed down and this time he actually rode with his hood off his eyes.

You know your kids don't feel well when you have to ask them to eat their ice cream. This was about the only thing that sounded good to anyone to eat. But it sure made for a cute picture.

We also went back to Toon Town and got to meet Pluto and play around in the houses. My kids absolutely loved Toon Town.

We rode Peter Pan again (one of Carter's favorites) and Big Thunder Mountain for the girls. Then it was time to grab our souvenirs and head to Santa Barbara for the night.

We boarded the Double Dolphin the next morning, in hopes to see some whales. We tried this a couple of years ago and didn't see any and I ended up being seasick off the back of the boat. Not fun.

My brother Quin and his wife Natalie, met up with us at the Double Dolphin.

I took two Dramamine and smeared peppermint oil on my wrists and behind my ears. It must have worked cause NO seasickness for me this time. HOORAY!

The kids loved watching the water under the nets on the boat.

Success!! A whale surfaced right next to the boat. So neat to see and the weather was absolutely perfect this day.

After whale watching we made the 2 hour drive to Bakersfield to Quin and Natalie's home. Weren't they lucky to be housing all us sickies? Jarom barricaded himself in the bedroom with the humidifier running on high. (By the way, Vick's brand Ultrasonic Humidifier is the best one I've seen in a long time.)

My kids were fascinated with all the big snails California had to offer. They gathered a pile of at least 100 in my brother's front yard.

Saturday morning Jarom felt so awful and had severe pain in his head/ear so off to the doctor we went. They told him he had an ear canal infection and that it could have been possibly caused by strep. They didn't do a strep test, just gave us ear drops and antibiotics and sent us on our way.

While poor Jarom stayed in the car, the rest of us enjoyed the "best of Bakersfield" at DeWar's icecream. And then it was time to start the trek home.

We made it to St. George, UT at 2 am. We got settled in the hotel room and then Jarom started throwing up. Poor guy, he was so sick. As soon as morning hit we loaded back up to finish the last 10 hour leg to get home. I kid you not, Jarom threw up every hour those entire 10 hours. He was writhing in pain from his head and I think if the opportunity would have arose, he would have chosen death. It was a VERY rough ride.

After getting some anti-nausea pills, a blessing, and a Vick's humidifier, Jarom was finally able to keep his antibiotics down and is on the slow path to recovery. No one in this house is 100% yet, but we're working on it.

We can definitely say that this trip made memories, and I think we need to go again just so we can experience it feeling well. We'll see, the thought of another road trip anytime here soon does not sound thrilling. We are glad we did the trip and the kids are still talking about things they loved. So minus the illness, it was a success. And if you're still reading my blog YOU are a true friend and I love you!


Natalie and Quin said...

You left out the part how you were crashed on the couch dead to the world for half of Saturday! We were so glad you guys came even though you all felt so miserable!

ClancyPants said...

Holy Moly, girlfriend! That is one crazy story! I'm so sorry you were all so sick... especially the hubby. Wow. Just wow.


Deanna said...

Man, what a trip! I hope you guys get to feeling better. I apologize, but it was all I could do not to laugh out loud at your adorable kids, looking like they were going to hurl, or like they had died on the boat...I had to re-read that they were watching the water!

I'll take care of singing time guys get feeling better!!! P.S. We learned the 4th verse of the family song... :)

ClancyPants said...

And bless you for your lack of word verification in your comment box.... bless you.

Wendy said...

Holy cow, Elena! *MY* tummy hurts just hearing about how sick you all were. Troopers! Every last one of you! What a trip!

Get better soon.

Sending hugs from Utah.

Trish said...

Oh man! You guys are troopers!!
I am amzed that you stuck it out.
I especially love the Carter stories!

I believe Disney is a place that should be visited often, so I hope you guys go back soon.......

Deidra Smith said...

I agree with Wendy, my stomach hurts just thinking about all of it. Partially with sympathy, partially with fear. Only a week to go, and your stories are scaring me to death:)

becky ward said...

i cannot believe you ALL got sick! how terrible! i am SOO impressed you stuck it out until the end. i saw jarom yesterday (briefly) and he looks about 20 lbs lighter and pale as a ghost. hope you guys get better soon.
so glad you got to see a whale and didn't get sea sick.
i had to take wesley to the doc on monday and he had fluid on his eardrum...drop and anti-biotics over here too! now he has a full-on cold. just praying everyone is in good health by tuesday!

Anonymous said...

You had me at rusty colored snot.

Friends for life.

Tamie said...

that is all that i can say.
and i only read the WHOLE thing b/c i just couldn't stop....its kind of like looking at something gross (like a larget girl in a skimpy bikini--no matter how much you want to, you just can't drag your eyes away from the monstrosity!) you have to see it out to the end.
and i agree: you need to do the trip again when you're all feeling well so that you know what that is like. but anyway--you had a good time(figuratively speaking) and got home in one peice and even got to see some family, eh?

Jennifer Jamison said...

Lenes! No! That is not supposed to happen on vacation! Especially NOT a Disney vacation! :( I'm so sorry...

Anonymous said...

So glad you have this recorded for posterity. The picture of Carter behind the boat steering wheel with his hat cocked off to the side is so cute. Glad Natalie's peppermint oil tip helped with the sea sickness.

Gina said...

Oy! The last time I was in CA I ended up in the ER with strep. It was so bad that the doctor prescribed a narcotic for the pain. And I took them all. The first night. On the advice of my doc here at home who basically told my husband to give me whatever I needed just to get me out of pain.
Nice 10th anniversary, don't you think?

Brandon and Emily said...

What a vacation! I feel horrible about all the sickness you experienced! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you guys, seriously! All of your pictures are so cute! It looks like you guys got to do alot of fun things! Pirates of the Caribbean was one of my favorite rides at Disneyland. Seeing all the pictures and hearing about your trip makes me want to go again. Are you guys up for another trip?! JK. Glad you guys made it home safe and are now recovering!

Natalie♥ said...

Wow that looks like so much fun! I am so jealous. I bet you are feeling so good now that you got away and had a vacation :)

Unknown said...

Oh lady! My condolences to you and your poor! That is so horrible to be so sick and away from home. I got an ear infection one year on our way home from Califronia and IT. HURT. LIKE. NO. OTHER. I feel for Jarom! Glad you made it home in one piece and that you had your mind clear enough to take some pics!

Brenda said...

So Sorry, I got an ear infection in CA one summer and thaought I was going to die! Glad you made some memories, even if they were a bit tainted! Hope your all feeling better soon!

Oh, I must tell you that my grandparents used to live in CA and when we would visit we would search the yard for snails, and have snail races. We would chalk a circle on the driveway, paint the shell of our snail with our favorite color of nail polish, and see which snail "raced" out of the circle first! You must try it on your return visit. A favorite childhood memory of mine for sure!!

The Manwarings said...

I love the first picture of the kids on the ride and the looks on their faces. And, of course, Elena's kids would be out collecting snails, what sweet little kids appreciating the beauty of nature. I'm so glad you all had fun and that you're on the mend!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I think this means you need to go back soon. While there is not much chance that anyone could get sick again!

CB said...

So So sorry you guys were so sick.

You all were definate troopers to stick it out. Wow! I am glad you had a bit of fun and hope you get a chance to go back sometime.

I love the picture of your kids in their Mickey and Minnie ears - They look so cute even if they felt so bad.

Hope you are all doing well now:D

Josh & Joni said...

Looks like a BLAST!! We have the same "Mainwaring" photo :)

Mama Williams said...

Isn't it amazing what you learn about your kids at Disneyland?! We had some freak outs ourselves, but the still talk about it fondly. I hope someday you can look back on this vacation with more of a smilie than a grimace. You're a "Super Trooper"!

Miki said...

You can TOTALLY tell when busy time is for all of the mommies! I looked at all of the times the comments were posted, and nery a comment from about 3 ish to 7 ish....

I know how you and I talked about how dinnertime was the absolute worst time of the day....but man, we're not alone!

sigh...okay enough of my rambling.

Funnest sentence:

"We can definitely say that this trip made memories"

I'm glad there was at least one picture of you! I liked the Disney sweatshirt. Poor poor family trying their hardest for fun! I'm glad you still had a good time. It really does show, even in the "sick faces" of the children. You can tell you all had a good time...

Maybe in a month or two, it will be a really good laugh.....


Emily said...

Sorry everyone was so sick! What a bum! It still looks like a fun time though. I am craving a good trip to Disney, we use to live so close in AZ that it was a quick 6 hour drive over, but now we have to take a plane!

Jennifer P. said...

Trying not to laugh---but you guys and your crazy vacations! Oh my :)!

What memories is all I can say!

I guess I"m a true friend!

Jewelle said...

Oh wow! When you said you guys were sick on your trip, I just thought you guys had the sniffles. Boy was I wrong! I hope you guys are all feeling better now. Your trip sounded like fun even if you were guys were sick!