Wednesday, February 04, 2009

All Together

We have over 4000 square feet and still they choose ONE chair.


Jennifer P. said...

They do it because it's cute, of course :)!

Kori said...

Too funny.

Unknown said...

I'm so pathetic... i see this picture and I don't even notice the kids first, I just notice the plaid.

Trish said...

That's hilarious, yet so awesome! It means they love each other and want to be together!!

Growing up we lived in a large house and we all (eight of us, plus whatever strays were around at the time) used to congregate in the kitchen.......

and Lizzy, I didn't notice the plaid at all.

becky ward said...

such manwarings! cute picture!

Deanna said...

That is so sweet! :) What a great family.

Allisyn said...

Your little family is so cute.

Gina said...

Well, at our house it would be because you can't pick a good fight if no one is actually near you....

Miki said...

You just made me feel better. We all just need each other...awwwwww.

Lee Ann said...

So true, my girls were just fighting over the same end of the couch.

Unknown said...

Wow, how do you do that? My kids would be fighting over the chair, not sharing it! They are darling! oh, and I am so impressed that they are all in their pj's at the same time! Those moments are few and far between around here!

Wendy said...

Love it! Elena, you have a gift for capturing the beautiful day by day moments in your family.