Kate is a good sleeper. I don't take that for granted. We've suffered with our other children and the sleeping issue. None of my babies slept through the night until they were 2. That's 2 years, NOT 2 months. And not only did they not sleep through the night, they woke upwards of 8 times a night. I was pretty much a walking zombie for the first years of motherhood. The only way we could get them to sleep was by letting them sleep with us. We quickly became strong believers in the family bed. (We still have a little 4 year old who shall remain nameless that sleeps with us.) I know many people are against the family bed, and that's fine. I'm not asking for your opinion, just telling you mine. (Ooo, that came off a little harsh. Didn't mean it that way.)
Anyway the Lord knew I needed a good sleeper when he gave me Kate. (And frankly, I kind of think I deserved one.) She's a little wild animal during the day. But come night time, she goes in her room, looks at books until she's tired, turns off her own light, and goes to sleep. All night! The only things I have to do are leave a cup of water on her headboard and say, "Night-night princess, I love you." Then I shut the door and leave her be.
So the other night after I finished blogging, I walked past her room and noticed her light was still on. I opened the door to see what was going on because a) I couldn't believe she would still be awake and b) she always turns off her light. This is the scene that greeted me.I don't think she could have picked a better book to fall asleep like this with.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wild Thing
Posted by Elena at 5:00 AM
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Thats priceless!! I think I read that book to my girls when they were younger. It looks familiar.
Thanks for stopping by yesterday. I'm glad you liked the bigfoot. My hubby was afraid people would think we were rednecks.
I love that picture. I think I love all pictures of sleeping children :-)
When Katie was first born, I just had such a hard time putting her in her bed and walking away. And there is just nothing sweeter than a baby sleeping on your chest. So somehow I convinced Michael to let me bring her into our bed.
Well after twenty minutes of listening to her snort and snore. And she RADIATES heat (just like her daddy with that metabolism of theirs!) - so I couldn't sleep and I had a hot sweaty baby on me. I made Michael take her back to her crib :-)
And even now when we have gone on vacation and I have ended up with a child in my bed - they sleep like they are starfish or speed bumps.
Which is probably why we don't do the family bed :-) Which is not what your post is about...but there is no judging here. I think that if my babies weren't hot sweaty snorers with legs and arms akimbo, we might have a family bed too :-)
Have you gotten your package yet?
I sent it like 10 days ago.. I just wanted to check and make sure.
First off that is my favorite childhood book of ALL time!
I love these pictures they are too cute.
I have a few pictures of my youngest like that. She is a book reading fool and will look at books til she falls asleep too only problem is she doesnt stay asleep she is my only kid who is a bad sleeper she woke up one and basically never went back to sleep we tried everything now its not so bad shes usually asleep by 9, but wakes up atleast once but usually more like 3 or 4 times til I give in and let her sleep with me. Daddy is so not gonna love that when he comes home!
CASEY-No, it hasn't come yet. I'm so sad. I hope it finds it's way here. I've been so excited about it. If it doesn't, you'll have to be sure to tell me what was in it. I'm glad you asked because I was starting to think that I had been overlooked. Come home little package, come home!
That picture is priceless! Especially for her age!
So glad you finally got a good sleeper. I have been blessed with two (after the first three months.) Maybe that's why Steve doesn't want to press his luck with any more :-)
So cute!!
And shhhhh, don't tell anyone but we ave a family bed too!
Actually we have one that sleeps like a brick and has since he was 10 weeks and one that has NEVER slept through the night and he is almost 5! Ohh I feel a post coming on.
And aggressive Elena cracks me up!
I love that she was reading that book, one of the fav's around here. I too have slept in the book tent and find it very refreshing. What a great post!!!
Trish-"Aggressive Elena" LOL! That's one I haven't heard in a while.
Queenie- "The book tent", you people are cracking me up today!
I love it! She's even holding her dollies feet. Cute little Kate!
I'm looking forward to 10 days of uninterupted sleep. MY baby has been waking up at 5am! I love him, but I don't really want to see him til I see the sun. LOL! :)
Oh this post came at the right time for me! I am a walking zombie this week. We did the family bed with Lily because she had to have mom as a pacifier. She still doesn't sleep through the night well, but we make her sleep on the floor with her blankets. Not enough room for FOUR people in the bed. Allie is still using our bed. I really try not to but when I have been up until 2:00 am without going to sleep because of her. I give up! I am glad to hear that I am not the only one out there who has done this! I really needed to hear that, thanks!
totally cute and memorable....very funny. i think that every child should fall asleep (at least once) while reading in bed...totally worth it. :)
a little harsh!?...i'd say. jk you crack me up!
these pictures of kate are so dang adorable! i am so glad you were blessed with a good little sleeper. how cute that she turns her own light off.
I love that book! That is such a cute picture. It is not everyday you see little Kat laying still!
Priceless photo. Definitely one for the family photo album.
(I'd say scrapbook, but personally, my scrappin' supplies have been waiting for me to get going since the Sweet Girl was 2.) LOL
Way to capture the moment. :-)
Elena!!! Can you believe that from the time we talked this morning until just now is when I finally got home! Holy Tomole...
Anyway....loved this post. It was just so gosh dang cute I can't even believe it. I love that that's the book little Kate fell asleep to. lol....I still smile and laugh when I picture "the picture" of her asleep with that book! I don't know why I love this one so much, but it's one of my favorites...
Just so fun and cute.
What a little sweetheart! By the way, I really like her name too. I am glad you were blessed with a sweet number 4! I had a sweet number 2, but kinda hard numbers 1 &3. Now I am just too afraid to find out what a 4 would be like!!! Love the picture!
Holy cow! Stupid google reader--it didn't bring up ANY of these posts!!!
Such a cute picture :)! I'm glad you got a good sleeper too!
Precious little picture with that little hand holding the doll's foot.
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