Several weeks ago I participated in Kat's Favorite Things Swap. Kat went to hours of work and gave everyone partners. The idea was that we were each supposed to send a few of our personal favorite things to our partner. That way we could maybe be intoduced to a few new things that could become our own favorites. And also make new friends in the bloggy world.
I sent my package here to Brandy. And yesterday a package arrived for me from Casey. I've been waiting and waiting and worrying that my package was lost in the mail. It took 12 whole days to get from Tennessee to Idaho. (If you need to mail anything for Christmas, you might want to send it now, the mail seems to be a bit slow these days.) It's here! It's here!
Oooohhh...What's inside?! She packed it so well, she didn't even need packaging material! It was full of great things!
- Delicious fruit leather 100% natural (I've already had a piece and love it.)
- Adorable thank you cards and a March of Dimes sticky note pad (Casey had twin girl preemies born at only 23 weeks gestation. Her family participates with the March for Babies Charity.)
- A Norman Rockwell puzzle (Casey decorates her play room with this series of puzzles. What a cute idea. Alyssa loves puzzles and will be in heaven.),
- And the books Dare to Discipline (which I have heard really good things about) and Randy Pausch's Last Lecture (I've been wanting to read that for quite some time now.)
THANK YOU Casey for all the great stuff. And THANK YOU Kat for the fun swap idea. I have loved doing it and can't wait to do it again!
that is a great idea! and i've got some norman rockwell post cards that i got at his museum in upstate NY years ago, and i'm just waiting to put them in frames and on a wall----just got to have the right wall (in the right house as well...) got good stuff, girl! We love us some James fact, my husband refers to him as, "The Almighty James!" And I now have a craving for fruit sounds tasty, but also rather sexy...leatherish fruit. Yeah, that's hot.
Kat's swap was so much fun... most of my partner's favorite things, are now my favorites, too!!!
Okay.....I"M BACK!!!! BUT....I'm so waiting to see your older post until we're on the phone together. I got your message FOREVER AGO and am so looking forward to this post! I don't want to spoil it, so I'm looking no further, and as of right now, I'm staring at a picture of your blank dining room wall. OOOOOOOH, I can't wait to see the finished product!!!! I don't dare scroll down however...I'm waiting!
Glad to be back, and your partner sent awesome stuff! LOVE IT! It's so good you're a readaholic.
This is a fun idea -- I have always loved getting something in the mail! Packages are the best!
I am so glad that the post office finally figured out where you lived. Perhaps they were confused about Idaho and Iowa :-)
You got some great goodies - and fruit leather seems to be a favorite amongst lots of bloggers!
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