Friday, September 14, 2007

"Howee, pank!"

Just a few minutes ago Alyssa came up to tell me that Halle had just dumped a little bit of water on Carter's head. (He's sleeping.) So I told Halle to come up and talk to me. I asked her, "Halle, did you just dump water on your sleeping baby brother's head?" She nodded yes. So then I told her, "You can go to your room and think about how naughty that was. It's unacceptable behavior!" She started to walk off and then Kate, who had been sitting in my lap this whole time, said, "Howee! Pank!" (aka Halle, spank) and then proceeded to hit Halle on her way out of the room. Oh boy! Can't imagine where she might have learned something like that.


Anonymous said...

Don't you love it when your other kids advise you on how to punish their siblings?! :)

Natalie and Quin said...

Quite the little authoritarian! Much like I remember her mother as I grew up.

Elise said...

I love it! At our house, Thomas is the self-appointed consultant on when a punishment is needed. This consultation is usually delivered in a very whiny voice. Gotta love kids.

becky ward said...

Kate! She is all too familiar with that drill. (;