Thursday, September 09, 2010

What to do all day?

Okay, it wasn't all day. It was only 2 hours, but I enjoyed myself immensely today while Kate was at preschool. I went to Barnes and Noble where I sat myself down and read a few chapters from a book I didn't even purchase. (Scandalous I know!) I bought some new fall scents from Bath and Body. AND.....I indulged in a mini Blizzard from DQ. I ate it while I sat in the car and listened to the rain come down on the roof. So peaceful and relaxing. Then, just like that, my free time was up and I drove to pick up Kate. (I even ran a red light in the process b/c I was intent on enjoying the sound of the rain. I can NOT even tell you the last time I ran a red light. I giggled half way home out of shock and guilt.)

Kate loved preschool. She came out declaring that she loved it so much, she wants to do it all the time. They finger painted, ate apples, shared baby pictures, and read stories. I asked her if they did any "centers" (puzzle time, toy time, etc) and she said yes, but she didn't do any of them. I asked her why she didn't and she told me, "Because someone smelled stinky at the puzzles!" LOL! So rather than assault her nose and play with everyone, she chose to sit on the couch during play time! Oh man....she cracks. me. up!


Lee Ann said...

Oh how time flies when you're alone!!!! And what a crack-up she is!!

Allisyn said...

I am with Kate.. if there is someone that smelled stinky I would sit on the couch too. Ahhh they do grow up to darn fast.. before you know they will bring home there boyfriends and it just goes on and on. But they will always be our little ones know matter how old they get.

Shannon said...

Yay for a great 1st day of preschool!

And yay for getting some "me" time ;)

Jennifer P. said...

reading, rain, mini-blizzard, a little law breaking....perfect day :). And knowing your child had a good time makes it all the better. Yay for you!

Grammy said...