Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Carrots Are Back On the Menu

Yesterday Halle came home from school and shouted, "I can eat carrots again!" Of course I was completely confused and didn't realize they had been banned from her diet. So I asked why. She said, "Maddy got in contact with Jordyn (a friend who moved over the summer.). We said we couldn't eat carrots until one of us talked to Jordyn. It was a challenge! And now we can eat carrots again." Hmmmm....I guess I didn't realize carrots were such a delicacy as to be something sacrificed in a "challenge". (Notice they didn't use candy or chocolate.) HA! What nuts!


Deidra Smith said...

Lol, they're not dummies. who would ever ban chocolate for ANY amount of time.

CB said...

That is just funny~! Yayyy for carrots...I think :D

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I think I shall refrain from eating beets until we meet again.

Wait. Does that mean I have to eat a beet if we get together again?

Tonya said...

That is so funny and too precious. Who would of thought carrots?

Natalie and Quin said...

Probably made it easier to ban from their diets. Might have even been a calculated move on the off chance contact wasn't made for a very long time. Smart. Very smart.

Wendy said...

The funny little everyday things our kids do and say...

They're gonna make great family memories one day soon. Way to go for capturing all these little everyday treasures