Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thanksgiving weekend

It was such a nice holiday weekend for me. Great food (which I never got a picture of), family and friends, shopping, BYU football (which was such a good game that even I found myself screaming and hurting my voice!), and much needed rest all contributed to a wonderful time.

After a nice dinner everyone sat around an played Millennium Monopoly. My how the prices have changed! We enjoyed the company of Jon and Larissa's family, my Aunt Gale, Quin and Natalie, my folks, my grandma, and my sister-in-law Natalie's folks.

What's Thanksgiving weekend without power shopping at 5AM? My sister and I went. I took this picture to show all the men at home what kind of lines we are talking about. I know you can't see it very well, but you get the idea of just how far from the entrance we were. It was okay though, we got everything we needed.

Building gingerbread houses. What a mess and so much fun. I think I enjoy it more than the kids do.

My dear friends from high school. We try to get together every year around Thanksgiving or Christmas. It is a great reunion! Left side of table back to front: Jarom, Me, David, Shellie. Right side back to front: Kirt, Holly, Angela, Lou. We were missing Doug and Mary, she is due in 3 weeks with their 5th daughter, and Jed and Janelle who live in far away Florida.

Old high school buddies! Angela, Troy, and me. We had a great time catching up over milkshakes at Perkins. It has been about 10 years since I have seen Troy. It was really fun to get together again.


becky ward said...

Sounds like a great Thanksgiving weekend. I love that you still get together with your friends from highschool. Friendships like that are priceless. You all look great!

Elise said...

What a fun Thanksgiving! I love the shopping at 5AM-- so brave! The game was great, wasn't it? Even though we were sad for the Utes, at least it was a well fought game. And I agree with Becky's comment on your friends-- that is so great that you have kept in touch so well!

Elise said...

Elena-- the Clarke Planetarium is at the Gateway Center in Salt Lake. They have some really cool things-- a pendulum, lots of IMax and 3D movies going on all the time, and this cool aparatus where kids can see what it feels like to walk on the moon. I think admission is free-- the only thing you pay for are the movies. Also, right across the street (also at the Gateway) is the new Children's Museum-- it is awesome! Your kids would have a blast!