Sunday, November 12, 2006

Christmas Spirit

Last night Kevin and Becky dropped by for a visit. When it was time for them to leave, we looked outside and it was snowing like crazy. So they decided to stay the night. The snow was so pretty, (big, heavy flakes coming straight down) and it felt like Christmas. So we pulled out the Christmas tree, turned on the fire, and put in Christmas music. It was so much fun!! (No, I am not leaving the tree up quite yet. Back to the basement it goes, but it was really nice to get it out for a day.)

My camera didn't do the snow justice, but you get the idea.

Carter and Owen enjoying the Christmas lights.

Wish you could see this better, little Owen was mezmorized by the fire and the lights. It was so cute.

It always seems like it either snows before or after Christmas and I feel the Christmas Spirit too soon or too late. I always feel guilty if I feel it too soon, but this year I am going to let myself enjoy it whenever and as often as it comes!


Anonymous said...

So...does anyone ever put clothes on Carter?

Elena said...

Like I've said before..."Trial of my life to keep clothes on that kid!" (However, in this one we were between clothes and p.j.'s.)

LouandAngela said...

I'm glad that you're enjoying the Christmas Spirit already. I've been anxiously awaiting the appropriate time to put up my tree. The season just comes and goes so fast. I want to have time to enjoy it!

The CEO said...

I will never admit this again, but I kind of miss the snow! How pretty

becky ward said...

Boy, do you guys know how to have a party! The best sleep-over I have been to in awhile.