Sunday, September 10, 2006

Gooooooo Cougars!

Jarom bought TWO season tickets to BYU football this year. Halle was lucky to be the first guest taken along. They had a good time full of spilled pop slushy, Reese's Pieces, sticky cotton candy, and who knows what else. The night ended with a game delay due to lightening and they were dumped on by a rain storm. Needless to say Halle had a very fun adventure; Jarom says she only gets one game per year to go to. She came home with this BYU cheerleader outfit. Is she not the cutest little cheerleader you ever saw? What a great daddy-daughter date!

Then on the ride home she told Jarom all about a bully at school. She said, "If he doesn't be nicer he'll have to go up to Satan and pay all his heaven money." Jarom told her there isn't money in heaven to which she replied, "Well, Mom says you have to pay for bad things you do." HA! From the mouths of babes! (At least I know she's listening even if she doesn't understand.)

(Don't say anything to her about this though. She gets really embarrassed. It was too cute for me not to share.)


Anonymous said...

Love the socks and shoes. They make the outfit! Love Mom

(I hope this didn't post twice, I'm not sure if I hit the right button the first time.)

Elise said...

Elena, I just love checking out your blog! Your family is so darling and you do such a great job keeping up-to-date! Hope you don't mind my spying! :)

By the way, Halle couldn't be cuter in that cheerleader outfit-- unless it was red, of course! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Quin made some comment about "disgusting blue." Mom

LouandAngela said...

How CUTE!! Cute outfit. Cute Daddy for taking his little girl with him. And cute little girl with her comments about the bully! Thanks for sharing! Oh, and I think BLUE is the perfect color for her!! :)